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You cannot access the battery in
the handset. Do not attempt to
remove the battery, as you may
damage the phone. If you need
to replace the battery, contact
customer services.
When the handset is fully
charged, plug the telephone
line cord into the socket
on the underside
of the base and plug the other
end into the telephone wall
Step 4. Removing the battery
Position the base at least 1
metre away from other electrical
appliances to avoid interference.
Putting it as high as possible
ensures the best signal.
A Paging key
Paging is a useful way of nding
lost handsets.
Press p on the base.
All handsets ring.
Press p again to cancel the
paging call or press any key on
the handset to stop the paging
The base station must be plugged
into the mains power at all times.
Do not connect the telephone line
cord into the wall socket until the
handset is fully charged. Only use
the power and telephone cables
supplied with the product.
Step 2. Connect the charger
(Multi-pack only)
Plug the mains power cable
into the socket marked
the underside of the charger
and plug the other end into the
mains power wall socket.
Switch on the power supply.
Step 3. Charge the handset
Place the handset on the base
and charge for at least 24
hours. When the handset is
fully charged, the
icon is
If you have purchased a multi pack
you will also have the following
additional items:
Twin 1 x Additional handset
and charger.
1 x Mains power
adaptor for charger.
Trio 2 x Additional handset
and charger.
2 x Mains power
adaptor for charger.
Quad 3 x Additional handset
and charger.
3 x Mains power
adaptor for charger.
Only use the telephone line cord
supplied. This equipment is not
designed for making emergency
telephone calls when the power
fails. Alternative arrangements
should be made for access to
emergency services.
Warning! You cannot access the
battery in the handset.
If you hear a warning beep every 2
minutes during a call, you will need
to recharge the handset before you
can use it again.
When charging,
icon will scroll
on the display.
In ideal conditions, a fully charged
battery should give up to 7 hours
talk time or up to 130 hours standby
time on a single charge.
Note that the new battery does not
reach the full capacity until it has
been put to normal use for several
To keep the battery in the best
condition, leave the handset o the
base for a few hours at a time.
All talk and standby times are
approximate and depend on
features selected and usage
Step 1. Set up the base
Plug the mains power cable into
the socket marked
on the
underside of the base and plug
the other end into the mains
power wall socket.
Switch on the power supply
Box Contents Box Contents Getting started
Display icons
Menu navigation
On when the line is in use.
Flashes when there is an incoming call.
Flashes when you have missed calls and new number(s) are in the
Calls list.
Handset ringer is o.
Steady when the handset is registered and within range of the base. Disappears
when the handset is out of range and flashes when searching for the base.
Flashes when you have new voicemail messages.
O when you have no voicemail messages.
Phonebook is open.
The alarm clock has been set.
Hands-free mode is activated.
Answering machine is on.
The approximate power levels of your battery are indicated as
Battery is fully charged.
Battery is partially charged.
Battery is running low.
Battery is almost empty. The battery icon will flash and emit a warning
beep every 2 minutes during call.
Call Log / Scroll Up /
Volume up
Open the Call log. Press
to enter Call Log menu and
then press
d to select
Answ machine
Scroll up through lists and
Increase the earpiece
volume during a call.
Menu / OK
Enter the main menu.
Select the option displayed
on screen.
Conrm menu option – OK
is displayed on screen.
Open the redial list.
Talk / Hands-free key
Make or answer a call.
Activate and deactivate
hands-free during a call.
Hands-free activation can
suddenly increase the
volume in the earpiece to a
very high level. Make sure
the handset is not too close
to your ear.
Pulse to Tone Dialling / * /
Keypad lock
During a call, press and hold
to switch from pulse dialling
to tone dialling.
Dial a *.
In standby mode press and
hold to lock/unlock the
Scroll right / Clear / Mute
/ Back
Scroll to the right.
Delete characters on screen
when entering names and
Mute / unmute the
microphone during a call.
Go back to previous menu
is displayed on
the screen.
End call / Switch handset
End a call.
When in a menu, go back to
standby mode.
Press and hold to switch
handset o (when in
standby) or on.
Press to make an internal call.
Phonebook / Scroll Down /
Volume down
Open the phonebook.
Scroll down through lists and
Decrease the earpiece volume.
Ringer o / Recall / # /
Change case
Press and hold to switch
handset ringer on or o.
Use recall (R) functions.
Dial a #.
When entering letters
/ editing, short press to
change the case from Abc to
abc or ABC mode.
Pulse / Space
When dialling or storing a
number, press and hold to
enter a pause (P).
Digital Cordless Telephone with
Answering Machine
IT6TX Quick Start Guide
Models: IT.6.1TX, IT.6.2TX, IT.6.3TX and IT.6.4TX
This Quick Start Guide provides all the information
you need to get you started. If you need more detailed
instructions, please refer to the full user guide available
in the giftbox.
Alternatively, contact Customer Services on:
0800 0820750.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:30pm
/Sat: 9:00am - 2:00pm.
IT6TX base
IT6TX handset
Mains power adaptor for
the base
Telephone line cord
If you have purchased an IT.6TX with
extra colour covers or have purchased
the covers separately you will need to
remove the original cover to then replace
with the new cover.
To remove the cover push down
and slide the cover o.
To replace the cover, line up the
hooks on the cover with the slots
in the back of the handset and
slide up until it is in place.
Step 5. Set the date and time:
If you have subscribed to a Caller ID
Service and Auto Clock is set to on
date and time is set automatically
for all handsets when you receive
your rst call.
If you do not have a Caller ID
service, you can set the date and
time manually.
M, scroll d to
and press M.
Date & Time
is displayed. Press M.
Enter the date using the format
DD-MM-YY e.g. 04/08/15 for 4
August 2015 and press
Enter the time using the 24 hour
, e.g. 14:45 for
02.45pm and press M.
e to return to standby.
Navigating the menus
The basic steps of navigating through the menu and on-screen options.
From the standby screen, press
The main menu is opened.
Use the
(u) or (d) keys to scroll through the menu.
Soft key options
and are displayed.
Press M to select
and open a sub-menu or validate an option.
Press b to go back to previous menu level, correct a character or
cancel an action.
e to return to standby.
If you do not press any button on the handset for 30 seconds the display
will automatically return to standby. It will also return to standby when the
handset is placed on the base or charger.
Push down
Line up hooks
on the back
cover with the
slots on the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola IT.6.2TX

Motorola IT.6.2TX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

Motorola IT.6.2TX Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 52 pagina's

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