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D1100 / D1110 Series
Quick Start Guide
If you have purchased a multiple
pack you will also have the
following additional items:
• 1 x Additional handset and
• 2 x AAA NiMH rechargeable
• 1 x Mains power adaptor for
charger with red connector.
• 2 x Additional handsets and
• 4 x AAA NiMH rechargeable
• 2 x Mains power adaptors for
charger with red connector.
• 3 x Additional handsets and
• 6 x AAA NiMH rechargeable
• 3 x Mains power adaptors for
charger with red connector.
Only use the telephone line cord
supplied. This equipment is not
designed for making emergency
telephone calls when the power
fails. Alternative arrangements
should be made for access to
emergency services.
Use only rechargeable batteries.
Box Contents Getting started
Getting started
Step 1. Set up the base
• Plug the mains power cable
(with a clear connector) into
the socket marked on the
underside of the base and plug
the other end into the mains
power wall socket.
• Switch on the power supply
Position the base at least 1
metre away from other electrical
appliances to avoid interference.
Putting it as high as possible
ensures the best signal.
The base station must be plugged
into the mains power at all times.
Do not connect the telephone line
cord into the wall socket until the
handset is fully charged. Only use
the power and telephone cables
supplied with the product.
Step 2. Connect the charger
(Multi-pack only)
• Plug the mains power cable
(with a red colour connector)
into the socket marked
the underside of the charger
and plug the other end into the
mains power wall socket.
• Switch on the power supply.
Step 3. Charge the handset
• Insert the 2 x AAA NiMH
batteries supplied into the
handset and slide the battery
compartment into place.
• Place the handset on the
charger and charge for at least
24 hours. When the handset is
fully charged, the
icon is
• When the handset is fully
charged, plug the telephone line
cord into the socket marked
on the underside of the base
and plug the other end into the
telephone wall socket.
Use only rechargeable batteries.
If non-rechargeable batteries
are used WRONG BATTERY will
be displayed and charging will
be stopped. Please replace with
rechargable batteries.
Step 4. Select country
• After charging your phone, the
Welcome screen appears.
• A list of countries is displayed in
the Welcome screen.
• Scroll
or to your
country and press Select.
The handset and base will be reset
to load the correct settings and the
standby screen is displayed.
Step 5. Set Date and Time
• Press Menu and scroll or
to Clock & Alarm then
press Select.
Date & Time is highlighted.
Press Select.
• Enter the date using the format
• Enter the time in 12 or 24 hour
time format. Press Save.
• Press
or Back until you
return to standby.
If you have subscribed to your
network’s Caller Display service, the
date and time is set automatically
for all handsets every time a call is
Your phone is now ready for
Display icons
Displayed in standby mode to indicate handset is in range of the
Flashes if you move out of range.
Displayed if ECO Mode is switched on
Handset ringer volume is Off.
Displayed in handsfree talk mode.
Answering machine is On. (for D1110 only)
The alarm is set to On.
The keypad is locked.
You have answering machine (TAM) messages. (for D1110 only)
You have text messages.*
You have voicemail messages.*
You have missed calls.*
The approximate power levels of your battery are indicated as below:
Battery is fully charged.
Battery is partially charged.
Battery is running low.
Battery is almost fully discharged (Red).
* For this feature to work, you must subscribe to your network provider’s
Caller Display service. A quarterly fee may be payable.
When the memory for TAM or text messages is full, an exclamation mark
will appear below their corresponding reminder icon.
This Quick Start Guide provides all the information you need to get you
started. If you need more detailed instructions, a full user guide is available
to download in PDF format from:
Please consider the environment before printing.
Digital cordless phone D1100
Digital cordless phone with answering machine D1110
1 Getting started
2 Using the phone
3 Help
D1101 base or D1111 baseD1101 / D1111
Mains power
adaptor for the base
with clear connector
2 x AAA NiMH
Screws and
wall plugs for
wall mounting
Quick Start
Telephone line cord
D1100 / D1110 Series
Quick Start Guide
This Quick Start Guide provides all the information you need to get you
started. If you need more detailed instructions, a full user guide is available
to download in PDF format from:
Please consider the environment before printing.
Digital cordless phone D1100
Digital cordless phone with answering machine D1110
1 Getting started
2 Using the phone
3 Help
Option button
Press to open the Menu.
Press to select options displayed
on screen.
Talk / Handsfree
In standby mode, press to make
and receive calls.
In talk mode, press to switch
handsfree on and off.
Navigator glow ring
lluminates when the phone is
in use. Flashes to indicate new
event, eg. missed call.
star key
Press and hold to switch between
Tone and Pulse dialling.
Int (Intercom)
Used to make internal calls.
R (Recall)
For use with switchboard/PBX.
Redial / Up
In standby, press to open and
scroll through the redial list.
In talk mode, press to adjust the
In menu mode, press to scroll
through the options.
When storing an entry in the
phonebook, press and hold to
enter a Pause.
Option button (right)
In standby, press to open the
Phonebook menu.
Press to select options displayed
on screen.
Phonebook / Down
In standby, press to open and
scroll through the Names list.
In talk mode, press to adjust the
In menu mode, press to scroll
through the options.
End call / Power on / off
Press to end a call.
In menu mode, press to return
to standby.
In standby, press and hold to
switch the handset off. When
off, press to switch the handset
back on.
# / Lock
Press and hold to lock the keypad.
To unlock, select Unlock and follow
the on screen instructions.
Motorola D11 QSG EN v1.2.indd 1 02/09/2008 11:24:49

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola D1102

Motorola D1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 43 pagina's

Motorola D1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 31 pagina's

Motorola D1102 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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