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times you use a full tank of water or at least once a month, especially in areas with hard
The frequency of lime scale removal depends upon the hardness of your tap water and how
often you use the steam mop.
By using cleaning solution:
1. Prepare a solution of 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 tap water and add to the water tank.
2. Secure the appliance in the fixed position and be away from the floor and other
objects and surface. Plug in and press the power switch, it will be producing steam
unit the vinegar/water solution run out.
3. Repeat the above procedure as many times unit a normal steam flow rate is
4. Fill the water tank with fresh water to clean.
5. Fill the water tank with fresh water and release the steam through the system unit;
the water tank is empty.
1. After the steamer is used, turn the power off and then unplug the power cord.
2. Take out the water tank, and empty the residual water in the tank and clean the
external surface with a dry cloth. Until the steam mop cools down, clean the
3. Remove the cleaning pad and wash it so that it will be ready for next use.
4. Store the product in a protected, dry area. Keep the water funnel and measuring cup
for future use.
5. Keep out of reach of children.
Don't leave the appliance during the lime scale removal process and/or while in use.
Perform a test cleaning on a suitable isolated area after each lime scale removal to ensure that
there is no debris left in the system.
This product contains no serviceable parts. Do not try to repair it by yourself. Any servicing
that requires disassembly other than cleaning must be performed by a qualified appliance
repair technician.
ALL servicing should be done by an authorized service representative.
Cleaning and storage the microfiber pad:
Machine washable on "warm" setting. Always use a mild detergent.
For best care results, lay flat to dry.
IMPORTANTAllow the steamer to fully cool down before performing any
maintenance or troubleshooting checks.

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