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Floor Head
The floor head is supplied with a separate connection fitting. To use the floor head, push the
connection fitting onto the rear side of the floor head and turn it 180 degrees upwards. This has to
be done only once. The floor head is now fully assembled. (Illustration 7)
The floor head is used for the cleaning of large washable wall and floor areas. The floor head can
be used either with or without a floor cloth.
Sensitive surfaces (wood, linoleum etc.) should always be cleaned using the cloth supplied. Place
the floor head on the cleaning cloth and pull the cloth under the clips at both sides. The cleaning
effect of a floor cloth can be improved by turning and changing the cloth regularly. To clean very
dirty areas, move the floor head over the surface more slowly in order to increase the cleaning
action of the steam.
Attention: the device is not suitable for cleaning unsealed wooden floors, soft plastics or wooden
Integrated storage compartment (Illustration 8)
All the accessories are conveniently stored in the housing of the unit. To reach the accessories,
you must place the unit on a flat surface. Lift the upper part of the unit, using the carrying handle,
while you press the storage button with your other hand. To replace the upper part on to the
device, place it straight on the bottom part and you press until it locks audibly. (Illustration 9)
Attachment adapter (Illustration 10)
Push the attachment adapter as far as it will go onto the connection nozzle of the steam gun until
you hear it click. The attachment adapter remains locked in position. The attachment adapter can
be removed again by pressing the release button and pulling the adapter off.
Concentration nozzle
The concentration nozzle is pushed directly onto the attachment adapter until it clicks into place.
It can be used with various fittings (jet nozzle attachment, brush attachments, 2-in-1 combination
attachment), depending on the task in hand The concentration nozzle can be used with various
fittings for cleaning: inaccessible areas such as corners, joints, blinds, radiators, toilet bowls, taps,
stainless steel, windows, mirrors, enameled surfaces, stain removal.
Jet nozzle attachment
The jet nozzle attachment can be fitted directly to the concentration nozzle. The jet nozzle
attachment is fitted by pushing and twisting, and removed by pulling and twisting.
Brush attachment
The brush attachment can be fitted directly to the concentration nozzle. Choose the right brush
attachment (plastic or metal bristles) for the task at hand. The brush attachment is fitted by
pushing and twisting, and removed by pulling and twisting.
2-in-1 combination attachment
The rectangular shaped steam head can be fitted directly onto the concentration nozzle. The head
is fitted by pushing and twisting and removed by pulling and twisting. It can be used either with or
without the cotton cover, depending on cleaning requirements. It is perfect for the care and
cleaning of cushions, carpets, car seats, bathrooms and kitchens.

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