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Over-heating protection
The device is equipped with protection against overheating. The cleaner will switch-off
automatically when the temperature becomes too high, in order to prevent over-heating. In this
event, please remove the plug from the socket immediately. Allow the cleaner to cool down for
30 minutes before resuming work.
Filling the water tank (Illustration 2)
Always ensure that the plug of the unit is removed from the socket before filling or refilling the
steam cleaner with water. Remove the lid of the water tank by pressing it down and turning
anti-clockwise. Fill the tank with 1 litre of water using the funnel and measuring cup. Replace
the lid and close it tightly by turning in the clockwise direction. The water tank should be
emptied after use. Allow the inside of the water tank to dry before replacing the cover.
Refilling the water tank
If the water tank needs to be refilled during use, first switch the cleaner off and remove the plug
from the socket. Before opening the tank cover, release the pressure by pressing the steam
switch on the steam gun, or allow the cleaner to cool down completely. The water tank can then
be refilled as follows. Remove the lid of the water tank by pressing it down and turning
anti-clockwise. Fill the tank with 1 litre of water using the funnel and measuring cup. Replace
the lid and close it tightly by turning in the clockwise direction.
Even after a cooling down period of 5 minutes, the remaining water in the tank and the tank lid
will still be hot. Always take care when removing the tank lid, since hot steam may be emitted
and the thread on the cover can still cause burns. The filter opening of the steam cleaner must
never be opened during use (CONTAINER UNDER PRESSURE).
Attention: never fill the tank with anything but cold water. The use of any other fluids can be
dangerous and can lead to damage of the heating element. The use of distilled water is
recommended particularly in areas with hard water in order to prevent the build-up of scale.
Otherwise, use boiled water in order to prolong the working life of the steam cleaner.
Power indicator light / On/Off switch
When the water tank has been filled, insert the plug into the socket. Switch the unit on by
pressing the on/off switch to ON. The power indicator light (red) should light up to indicate the
steam cleaner has power.
Steam Ready Light
The steam ready light (yellow) will come on. The operating temperature will be reached in about
11 minutes at which point the steam ready light switches off. The unit is now ready for use. In
order to avoid injury, the steam cleaner should be switched off during breaks or pauses during
work by pressing the on/off switch to OFF If you leave the room, please switch the cleaner off,
and remove the plug from the socket (by pulling on the plug and not on the power supply

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