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Thank you for purchasing your robot cleaner.
Before using your robot cleaner, please read this User Manual carefully, and keep it for future reference.
Depending on your model, some contents of this User Manual may dier from the actual product.
The contents of this User Manual are subject to change without notice.
User Manual
Robot Cleaner
2. Moneual Technical Support will attempt to help you resolve your problem over the telephone. During problem resolution, Moneual will require your
assistance in performing routine diagnostic procedures. If appropriate, Moneual will then issue you a Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMA)
number to be used as a means of identifying the Product.
3. After calling 1-866-399-0600 to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization number. Mail-In Repair service is available for Products purchased and
located in the continental United States, you are responsible for the shipping charge to ship the Product to the Service Center, Moneual will pay for the
shipping to ship the Product back to you. Product purchased in Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, you are responsible for the shipping charges
to and back from the Moneual Service Center.
4. All Mail-In service must take place by returning the Product to the Moneual Service Center. You must prepay any shipping charges, export taxes,
custom duties and taxes or any other charges associated with transporting of the Product to the Moneual Service Center. In addition, you are
responsible for insuring the Product during shipment. You assume the risk of loss during shipment. Moneual is not responsible for loss or damage
during shipping to the Moneual Service Center.
5. Use the original shipping and packing materials and include a description of the symptoms of the problem. If the original shipping and packing
materials and boxes are not available, please make sure the Product is properly packaged and secured inside a shipping container. The Return
Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number must be placed on the exterior of the shipping container. Physical damage that occurred during shipping is
not warranted and not covered by the limited warranty.
6. Include your name and address, proof of the place and date of purchase (from original Sales Receipt), and the serial number and model number of the
Product. The serial number and the model number are located on the back of the Product.
7. Moneual is not responsible for a Product shipped to the Moneual Service Center that is scratched or dented, including but not limited to, scratches,
dents, or is not from normal wear and tear use on the Product, the Product will be repaired or replaced with a similar refurbished Product in similar
condition as the original Product that was returned. Products shipped to the Moneual Service Center with missing parts will be replaced without those
parts. Products that are beyond repair will be replaced with refurbished Products in equal or better spec as the original Product that was returned
should the same model not be available.
8. Cross-shipping. For customers that need the replacement Product as soon as possible to reduce down time and loss productivity, cross-shipping can
be arranged with a Credit Card on le as collateral. The value of the Product will be authorized on the customer’s credit card and held as collateral
upon the shipment of the replacement Product from Moneual Service Center, the amount authorized will be cancelled upon receipt of the defective
Product back from the customer. The same terms and conditions applied to this paragraph (#8) as are stated in paragraph #4-#7. Please see above.
The authorization is valid for 30 days, and will be processed for payment if the defective Product is not received. (Caution for Debit Cards, upon
authorization, the amount may be deducted from your balance, so the use of credit card is strongly suggested).
Additional Information
You may request additional information on how to obtain warranty Services by contacting Moneual or any Moneual Service Center. You may also
request information on how to obtain warranty service or the location of the Moneual Service Provider by calling or contacting:
Moneual Customer Service Center (On Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM PST)
Tel: 1-866-399-0600
Outside of USA: (909) 334-7500
e-mail: support@moneual.com
13825 Norton Ave
Chino, CA 91710
Please note:
Warranty is only valid for the Original Owner purchased from an authorized reseller. Second owners or eBay purchase carry no warranty.
All returns, exchanges, refunds, or repairs should be referred back to the origin of purchase.
Proof of purchase (Receipt) will be required for warranty services.
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