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At the end of the Pyrolytic cleaning
When the duration remaining reaches
0:00 h, a message will appear in the
display to tell you that the door is
When the door lock has been released
"Process finished" will appear in the
a buzzer will sound if the buzzer is
switched on (see "Settings - Volume -
Buzzer tones").
^ Switch the oven off.
The visual and acoustic signals are
switched off.
Danger of burning
Wait until the oven has cooled down
before removing residual soiling left
in the oven compartment from the
Pyrolytic cleaning programme.
Wipe any residues (e.g. ash) left
behind after the Pyrolytic cleaning
programme out of the oven
compartment and wipe any residues
off any pyrolytic accessories. The
amount of ash will vary depending on
how dirty the oven was.
Most soiling can be easily removed
using a clean, damp microfibre cloth,
or with hot water and a little
washing-up liquid on a clean
Depending on how dirty the oven
was there may be a visible layer of
soiling across the inner glass pane
on the door. This should be removed
using the reverse of a non-scouring
washing-up sponge or with a
stainless steel spiral pad and a little
washing-up liquid.
Extend and retract the FlexiClip
telescopic runners several times after
running the Pyrolytic cleaning
Please note:
The fibre glass seal around the front
of the oven should be handled
carefully. Do not rub and scour it.
If possible you should avoid trying to
clean it.
After pyrolytic cleaning the FlexiClip
telescopic runners may appear
discoloured or a lighter colour in
some places. This will not affect the
functioning of the runners in any way.
Spilt fruit juices may cause lasting
discolouration to enamelled surfaces.
This discolouration is permanent but
will not affect the efficiency of the
enamel. Do not attempt to remove
these marks.
Cleaning and care

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Andere handleiding(en) van Miele H6890BP

Miele H6890BP Recepten - Nederlands - 192 pagina's

Miele H6890BP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 148 pagina's

Miele H6890BP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 148 pagina's

Miele H6890BP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 160 pagina's

Miele H6890BP Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 56 pagina's

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