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Microwave power
How it works
In a microwave combination oven there
is a high-
frequency tube called a
magnetron. This converts electrical
energy into microwaves. These
microwaves are distributed evenly
throughout the oven interior, and
rebound off the metal sides of the oven
interior to reach the food from all sides.
In order for microwaves to reach the
they must be able to penetrate
the cooking utensil being used.
Microwaves can penetrate porcelain,
glass, cardboard and plastics, but not
metal. Do not, therefore, use utensils
made of metal, or which contain metal,
for example in the form of gold or silver
trim. The metal reflects the microwaves
and this could cause sparking. The
microwaves cannot be absorbed.
Microwaves pass through a suitable
iner and find their way directly into
the food. All food contains moisture
molecules which, when subjected to
microwave energy, start to oscillate
2.5 thousand million times a second.
The friction caused by this vibration
creates heat, which first starts
developing around the outside of the
food and then slowly penetrates
towards the centre. The moisture, fat
and sugar content of food will affect the
speed at which it is cooked. The heat is
generated in the food itself.
Food can generally be cooked
without adding much liquid or
cooking oil.
Cooking, reheating and defrosting is
er than using conventional
Nutrients, such as vitamins and
erals, are generally retained.
The colour, texture and taste of food
e not impaired.
Microwaves stop being produced as
as the cooking process is
interrupted or the appliance door is
opened. When the appliance is in
operation, the closed, sealed door
prevents microwaves escaping from
the appliance.
Microwave power level
The following power levels can be
80 W, 150 W, 300 W, 450 W, 600 W,
850 W, 1000 W

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Andere handleiding(en) van Miele H6100B

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 172 pagina's

Miele H6100B Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 172 pagina's

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 116 pagina's

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