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Warning and Safety instructions
When heatin
g food and drinks, remember that the heat is created
in the food itself, and that the container will normally be cooler. The
dish is only warmed by the heat of the food.
Before serving, remember to allow a sufficient standing time and
then always check the temperature of the food after taking it out of
the steam oven. The temperature of the container is not an
indication of the temperature of the food or liquid in it. This is
particularly important when preparing food for babies, children,
and the elderly or infirm. Shake or stir baby milk and food
thoroughly after heating, and try it for temperature to ensure that it
will not scald the baby.
The ove
n is not suitable for cleaning or disinfecting items. Items
can get extremely hot and there is a danger of burning when the
item is removed from the appliance.
Do not coo
k or reheat food or liquids in sealed containers, jars or
bottles. With baby bottles, the screw top and teat must be removed.
Otherwise pressure will build up which can cause the bottle or
container to explode, posing a severe risk of injury.
When heatin
g up liquids, always place a suitable glass rod or
utensil into the cup or glass.
When boiling and in particular when heating up liquids using
microwave power, the boiling point of the liquid may be reached
without the production of typical bubbles. The liquid does not boil
evenly throughout. This so-called 'boiling delay' can cause a sudden
build up of bubbles when the container is removed from the oven or
shaken. This can lead to the liquid boiling over suddenly and
explosively. The formation of bubbles can be so strong that the
pressure forces the oven door open. Stir liquid before it heats up or
boils. Once it has heated up wait for a minimum of 20 seconds
before removing the container from the microwave oven.
Eggs can be cook
ed without their shells using microwave power
only if the yolk membrane has been punctured several times first.
The pressure could otherwise cause the egg yolk to explode.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Miele H6100B

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 172 pagina's

Miele H6100B Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 172 pagina's

Miele H6100B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 116 pagina's

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