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When vacuuming especially fine
dust, e.g. sawdust, sand, flour,
talcum powder etc., electrostatic
charges build up naturally. Under
certain conditions electrostatic
charges will be released. To avoid
the unpleasant effects of these elec-
trostatic discharges, a metal inlay
has been incorporated into the un-
derside of the handle. Please make
sure that you keep your hand in con-
stant contact with this metal strip
during vacuuming.
If your vacuum cleaner is fitted with
an Eco Comfort handle, make sure
that your hand is in contact with the
top, arched part of the handle at all
times. The metal inlay is fitted in the
top of this arched component (dia.
31, 32 + 33).
Interrupting operation (dia. 28)
(for models with radio controls on the
The vacuum cleaner can be paused for
short breaks whilst vacuuming.
Press the Standby button on the
The Standby button is designed
to pause the vacuum cleaner for
short periods of time whilst vacuum-
ing. There is a risk of overheating
and damage.
An LED will indicate each time a button
is pressed on the handle.
At the end of the pause you have 3
Press the Standby button again.
The vacuum cleaner will switch on us-
ing the previously selected setting.
Press the + button.
The vacuum cleaner will switch on us-
ing the highest setting.
Press the - button.
The vacuum cleaner will switch on us-
ing the lowest setting.
Illuminating the work area (dia. 34)
(for models with the LED handle)
Your vacuum cleaner is equipped with
an LED on the handle to illuminate the
work area.
Press the button on the LED
The lighting will switch itself off auto-
matically after approx. 30 seconds.
Setting down, transportation
and storage
Park System for pauses during
vacuuming(dia. 35)
The Park System allows you to conveni-
ently park the suction tube and floor-
head during pauses.
Slot the floorhead or floorbrush into
the parking attachment on the va-
cuum cleaner.
If your vacuum cleaner is on a slop-
ing surface, e.g. a ramp, retract the
telescopic tube fully.
Park System On/Off switch
Some models are fitted with an On/Off
switch in the Park System.

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  • Beste ben in het bezit van een Miele C3 Pure BLK Powerline CCAB nieuw aangekocht januari bij Mediamarkt, nu komt er niks meer uit, filter en stofzak vervangen, iedere keer als ik stekker in stopcontact steek brandt het lampje rechts "Max" wat zou hier de reden kunnen van zijn? mvg Mireille Gesteld op 12-10-2020 om 11:51

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