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Preparing for use
Attach the suction hose (dia. 01)
Insert the hose connector into the
suction socket on the vacuum
cleaner until it clicks into position. To
do this, line up the guides on the two
To detach the suction hose (dia. 02)
Press the release buttons at the side
of the hose connector, and lift the
hose from the socket.
Connect the suction hose to the
handle (dia. 03)
Insert the suction hose into the
handle until it clicks into position.
Connect the handle to the suction
tube (dia. 04)
Insert the handle into the suction tube
until it clicks into position. To do this,
line up the guides on the two pieces.
To release the handle from the suc-
tion tube, press the release button
and pull the handle out of the suction
tube, twisting it slightly as you do so.
Adjusting the telescopic suction tube
(dia. 05)
One part of the telescopic tube is
packed inside the other, and it can be
adjusted to suit your height for comfort-
able vacuuming.
Grasp the release mechanism and
adjust the telescopic suction tube to
the required length.
Connect the telescopic tube to the
floorhead (dia. 06)
Push the telescopic tube into the
floorhead and turn it clockwise or
anti-clockwise until it clicks into posi-
To detach the floorhead from the suc-
tion tube press the release button
and pull the suction tube away from
the floorhead, twisting it slightly as
you do so.
To adjust the floorhead
(dia. 07, 08 + 09)
This vacuum cleaner can be used for
daily cleaning of carpets, rugs and ro-
bust hard flooring.
Miele offer a range of other floorheads,
brushes and accessories for other types
of flooring and special requirements
(see “Optional accessories”).
Please observe the flooring manu-
facturer's cleaning and care instruc-
Clean hard flooring which is not sus-
ceptible to scratching, as well as floor-
ing with gaps or deep crevices in it with
the brush protruding:
Press the foot control.
This type of flooring can be briefly va-
cuumed with the brush retracted. Car-
pets and rugs should be vacuumed with
the brush retracted:
Press the foot control.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Na het vervangen van de stofzak kan ik de toegangsklep niet meer sluiten, ik hen al de instructies gevolgd maar het ding blijft geblokkeerd. Wat te doen, hoe werkt dat mechanisme eigenlijk en is er een ander middel om te deblokkeren. Sowieso kan ik de stofzuiger niet gebruiken.
    Mvg, Maurice Dedeurwaerder. Gesteld op 18-3-2022 om 00:03

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