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Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit
Instruction Manual
Setting up the DVD Movie Playback Kit
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read
the Xbox Video Game System Instruction
Manual for important safety information and
health warnings. Please retain both the Xbox
Video Game System Instruction Manual and
this manual for future reference and warranty
information. The limited warranty covering this
Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit is contained in
the Xbox Video Game System Instruction Manual.
To place batteries in the remote control
1. Remove the battery compartment
2. Place two AAA batteries (sold
separately) into the remote control.
3. Replace the batterycompartment
Notes about batteries:
Keep batteries out of reach of children.
Do not mix old and new batteries, or batteries
of different types. Follow manufacturer’s
instructions on battery use.
Remove old, weak, or worn-out batteries
Always recycle or dispose of used batteries in
accordance with your local ordinances.
If a battery leaks, remove all batteries and
thoroughly clean the battery compartment
with a damp paper towel, or follow the battery
manufacturer’s recommendations for cleanup.
If fluid from the battery comes into contact
with skin or clothes, flush skin with water
1. If the Xbox console is on, press the
power button on the Xbox console to
turn it off.
2. Connect the infrared receiver to any
controller port on the front of the
Xbox console.
The Xbox DVD Movie Playback Kit lets you
play DVDs on your Xbox console. The DVD
Movie Playback Kit consists of three items:
Infrared receiver
Remote control
Instruction Manual
The DVD Movie Playback Kit is for use
exclusively with the Xbox™ video game system
from Microsoft.
To connect the infrared receiver

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