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repair or replace the device is taken by the warranty provider. Therefore, the warran-
ty provider can at its own discretion decide to replace a device submitted for repair
under warranty with a refurbished device of the same quality.
No warranty is provided for batteries or rechargeable batteries or for consumable
materials i.e. parts which have to be replaced at regular intervals during the normal
use of the product e.g. video projector lamps.
A pixel error (permanently coloured, light or dark point in an image) is not generally
considered a fault. Please refer to the information provided in the manual for this
product for the precise number of permissible defects in the image.
The warranty provider gives no warranty for burnt-in images on plasma or LCD de-
vices that result from the improper use of the device. Please refer to the information
provided in the manual for this product for precise instructions on operating your
plasma or LCD device.
The warranty does not cover errors relating to the playback of data media that have
been created in an incompatible format or as a result of using unsuitable software.
If it is discovered during the repair that the fault concerned is not covered under
warranty, the warranty provider reserves the right to invoice the customer for the
costs already incurred in the form of a flat-rate handling charge, as well as to char-
ge the customer for the materials and labour required for the repair after submitting
a cost estimate. You will be informed in advance as the customer about these repair
charges; you are responsible for accepting or rejecting the repair process.
17.1.2. Exclusions
Malfunctions and damage to the device caused by external influences, accidental
damage, improper use, changes made to the product, modifications, upgrades, the
use of third-party parts, neglect, viruses or software faults, improper transport, im-
proper packaging or loss during the return of the product are not covered by the
warranty issued by the warranty provider.
The warranty will be invalidated if the fault to the device is caused by maintenance
or repair carried out by someone other than a service partner authorized by the
warranty provider. The warranty will also be invalidated if labels or serial numbers
on the device or a component of the device have been modified or made illegible.
17.1.3. Service Hotline
Before sending the device to the warranty provider, you must contact us via the Ser-
vice Hotline or the Service Portal. This ensures that you receive further information
on how to make a valid claim under warranty.
The use of the hotline may be subject to a charge.
The Service Hotline should under no circumstances be considered a substitute for
user training for software and hardware or reading the manual , nor does it provide
support for third-party products.
16548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 8516548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 85 10.09.2015 10:25:0110.09.2015 10:25:01

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