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7. Using the fondue set
You can use the fondue set to cook food in stock or fat or to prepare a cheese or
chocolate fondue.
Do try to move or carry the fondue set while it is still
hot or while it still contains hot fat, stock or other hot
Remove the lid.
Add fat, stock, chocolate or cheese to the fondue container as specified in the
When using fat or stock, the pot must be filled between the MIN and MAX mark-
Use the temperature control TEMP. (°C) to set the required temperature (130°C
to max. 190°C).
The operating LED on the temperature control TEMP. (°C) lights up green.
Heat the fat or stock initially at the highest temperature until the boiling point
has been reached and then set the required temperature.
When melting cheese or chocolate, select a lower temperature and stir the
cheese or chocolate constantly to prevent it from sticking.
Place the fondue fork holder onto the fondue container.
Insert the fondue forks into the individual slots on the fondue container to pre-
pare the food.
7.1. Using the fondue with fat
Ideally you should use pure vegetable fats, such as coconut or peanut oil, which can
withstand high temperatures. Following the instructions on the packaging. Olive oil
and peanut oil are low in unsaturated fatty acids and are only suitable for short fry-
ing times.
Vegetable oils containing highly unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. safflower or sunflower
oil) and animal fats (e.g. lard, butter or suet) are not suitable.
Do not put wet or damp foods into the fondue set. Al-
ways be attentive when cooking in fat. Fat can spit
and so there is a risk of burns.
16548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 7816548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 78 10.09.2015 10:25:0010.09.2015 10:25:00

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