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any of the appliance's hot surfaces and do not place your
hands over the steam vents. There is a risk of burns.
Avoiding acrylamide
According to the latest research, excessive browning, especially
in foods containing starch, may cause a health hazard due to the
acrylamide formation in the crust.
Do not brown food to an excessive degree.
Remove burnt residues. Do not brown food to an excessive
extent. Fry fresh potatoes and other carbohydrate-rich foods,
such as cereal-based products, at a temperature no higher
than 180°C to avoid the development of harmful acrylamide.
Try to use the lowest possible temperatures and short cook-
ing times. Potato products should be cooked to a golden yel-
low colour at most. The darker the chips or crisps, the higher
the probability that they contain acrylamide.
If you prepare chips yourself from raw potatoes, you should
not store your potatoes under 10°C.
Potatoes which have sprouted and potatoes with green ting-
es should not be eaten.
3.6. Faults
Live components. There is a risk of electric shock.
Therefore please follow the instructions below:
Always check the power cable and the appliance for damage
before use.
If you notice any damage, do not use the appliance under any
circumstances. Immediately remove the plug from the mains
socket in this case.
Have any defects repaired immediately by a specialist repair
shop. If the mains cable for this appliance is damaged, it must
be replaced by the Medion Service Centre or a suitably quali-
fied person in order to avoid hazards.
16548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 7516548 MULI eCommerce Content RC1.indb 75 10.09.2015 10:24:5910.09.2015 10:24:59

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