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115 of 116
15.2. Special warranty conditions for MEDION PC,
notebook, pocket PC (PDA) and navigation
devices (PNA)
The following terms apply to MEDION PC, notebook, desktop, pocket PC and laptop
products and optional items included with such products. If one of these items has
a fault, you also have a warranty claim for its repair or replacement, from MEDION.
The warranty covers the costs of materials and labour for repairing or replacing the
defective MEDION product or the optional item in question.
Hardware connected to your product that was not produced or marketed by MEDI-
ON can invalidate the warranty if MEDION can reasonably demonstrate that dama-
ge to the MEDION product or of the optional item included with the delivery was
caused by such hardware. You are entitled to seek independent advice or consulta-
tion relating to your product or any of MEDION’s findings. MEDION will not be liable
for any costs incurred to you when doing so.
This warranty is restricted in relation to any pre-installed operating system as well
as to application programme software that is included with the MEDION product in
question. This warranty is restricted as follows:
For pre-installed operating system as well as to application programme software in-
cluded in the MEDION product, MEDION only guarantees the data media (e.g. the
diskettes and CD-ROMs) upon which this software is delivered and warrants that
such data media shall be free from material and processing defects for a period of
90 days from the date of purchase of the MEDION product from an authorised seller
of MEDION. MEDION will replace defective data media free of charge.
Any claims in respect of defective pre-installed operating system as well as to ap-
plication programme software are hereby expressly excluded and you should con-
tact the relevant licensor or copyright owner of the defective software in questi-
on. MEDION does not guarantee that any software supplied with MEDION products
will function without interruption, will be free from errors or that it will fulfil your re-
quirements. MEDION does not guarantee the 100% accuracy of the maps provided
with the Navigation device.
It may be necessary to delete all data in the product in order to repair the MEDI-
permitted by law, MEDION excludes all liability for loss of data and MEDION recom-
mends in all cases that you back up all data on your MEDION product before retur-
ning the product to MEDION.
15857 eCommerce Content RC1.indb 11515857 eCommerce Content RC1.indb 115 04.05.2015 09:58:4604.05.2015 09:58:46

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