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If it is found during repair or assessment that the defect
concerned is not covered under warranty, MEDION re-
serves the right to invoice you for all reasonable costs in-
curred by MEDION. These costs will be in relation to the
return of the product, including reasonable administra-
tion costs, plus reasonable costs for materials used and la-
bour provided when repairing or replacing the product.
This is subject to MEDION providing you with an estimate
for carrying out such work prior to costs being incurred
and that you have accepted the estimate.
You are entitled to seek independent advice or consulta-
tion relating to your product or any of MEDION’s findings.
MEDION will not be liable for any costs incurred to you
when doing so.
I.I.3. Exclusion from warranty
To the extent permitted by law, this warranty shall be void
in the event that defects or loss caused by:
failure and damage resulting from the operation of
the product in an environment other than that rec-
ommended in the accompanying user or instruction
manual (e.g. in direct sunlight or in a damp room);
• accidental damage;
use other than in accordance with the accompany-
ing user or instruction manual;
modifications, conversions, expansions, maintenance
and/or repairs made to the MEDION product by un-
authorised repairers or use of unauthorised third
party parts;
• negligence;
virus attack or software errors;
improper transportation or packaging during return
of the product.
This warranty will also be considered void if labels or
serial numbers of the product or of a component of
the product are modified or made illegible.
To the extent permitted by law, MEDION shall; only
be responsible for losses which are a reasonably fore-
seeable consequence of the relevant defect in the
product; MEDION will not be responsible for any
costs incurred in relation to software configuration;
economic loss; loss of opportunity; loss of income; or
loss of data or software arising out of its repair or re-
placement of a MEDION product under this warranty
I.I.4. Service Hotline
Before returning the product to MEDION you must con-
tact us using the service hotline or via the internet (www.
MEDION.co.uk). You will receive further instructions for
making your claim under warranty when you call.
The price of your call will be stated at the beginning of
the call.
II. Service Address
0871 37 61 020 01793 715716
(Costs 7p/min from a BT landline, mobile costs may be
Mo - Fr: 08:00 - 20:00
Sa - Su: 10:00 - 16:00
@ To contact us by email please vis-
it the „Service“ section of our website at
15396 eCommerce Content RC1.indb 5815396 eCommerce Content RC1.indb 58 13.05.2014 12:51:4113.05.2014 12:51:41

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