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Cleaning and storing
Caution danger of injury! The blade is very sharp! Do not touch the blade
while removing or cleaning to avoid injury!
Caution! Danger of electrical shock! Before cleaning and removing parts,
switch off the electric appliance and always remove the plug from the mains.
Never immerse the appliance into water. The connector parts must not get
wet. Contact of electrical parts with moisture can cause electric shock or
short circuit and damage.
Do not use sharp detergents or metallic, abrasive objects to clean the unit
as the plastic surface might get damaged.
Remove the motor unit. If necessary just wipe with a dry cloth. The motor
unit may not get into contact with liquids.
Remove the splash protection and the blade holder. Always touch the plastic
part of the blade holder only to avoid injury caused by the sharp edges of the
blade. You also can remove the non-slip rubber foot from the mixing bowl.
Clean this parts in warm water with a drop of dishwashing liquid.
The mixing bowl and the blade holder and the mixing attachment can be
cleaned in the dishwashing machine. Never put the non-slip rubber foot into
the dishwashing machine to avoid damage.
Store the unit in a dry safe place, not reachable for children.
Technical data
230-240V~ 50Hz 260W; Class II.
This appliance is tested according to GS regulations and is built to CE directives.
Short term operation 1 minute operation, 1 minute resting.
Notice for environmental: If at any time in the future you should need to dispose
of this product please note that waste electrical products should not be
disposed of with household waste. The symbol (crossed dustbin) on
the packing is indicating it.
Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority or
retailer for recycling advice. (Waste Electrical and Electronical Equipment
Warranty claims
The guarantee period for this appliance is 24 months. The guarantee starts from
the date of purchase (cash receipt). In case of malfunction you may send the
appliance add to your dealer, information about the malfunction and the original
purchase receipt (which is obligatory for a repair free of charge)

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