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Contact grill
Oven function B:
(for scalloping)
Function B (see picture page 2) is suitable for scalloping sandwiches or meat “au gratin”.
It is also suitable for soft food, which might not get pressed or turned while grilling. You can
also use as a contact grill for thicker pieces of food (e. g. burger, thicker sandwich).
Plug in and heat up both grill plates. Keep the lid closed while heating up, then maximum
temperature can be reached faster.
Always touch the heat insulated handles only, never touch hot parts of the appliance. Use
oven cloth for safety.
When the control lights switch off, maximum heat has reached. Now open the lid and place
the food on the lower grill plate.
Take the handle of the open lid and pull it straight upward until stop position. Now close
by pushing it gently down into middle position.
The grilling time depends on the individual foodstuff. Depending on the consistency of your
food, adjust the temperature now higher or lower.
Sample Scalloping cutlet:
Beat the cutlet until flat. Put some pepper and grill the cutlet on both sides evenly.
Then put some slices of ham and cheese on it and bake in the oven function C for about
10-15 minutes.
Folding function C 180°
(180° flat open grill plates )
Function C (see picture page 2) is suitable for grilling medium and thick slices of meat which
needs slow grilling. The grill surface in this function is big enough to grill various kind of food,
e. g. meat, vegetable, mushroom, at the same time. If the temperature setting is lower heat,
you can also keep warm, or re-heat the food.
Plug in and heat up both grill plates. Keep the lid closed while heating up, then maximum
temperature can be reached faster.
Always touch the heat insulated handles only, never touch hot parts of the appliance.
Use oven cloth for safety.
Open the upper lid till both grill plates are flat open (180°) and place the food on one
or both grill plates.
While grilling with flat open grill plates (function C) we recommend to use always maximum
temperature setting, because the temperature is not kept as well as if using function A or B.
Turn the thermostat control(s) to the "+" mark till stop position to heat the grill plate(s) up into
the maximum temperature.
Turn the grill food for minimum one time to get it well-done on both sides. The grilling time
depends on the individual foodstuff.
Sample egg fruit:
Cut the egg fruit lengthwise into half and remove the stalks and the inner if desired. Cut into
stripes or slices which are about 1 cm thick, salt and put some drops of olive oil. Grill at
maximum temperature for about 5-10 minutes.
When finished the grilling process, always turn the thermostat control(s) to "-" mark (stop
position OFF). The control lamps switch off.

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