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Do not remove the appliance from your head while it is running but first set the switch to the “0”
Do not wrap the cord around the appliance and unplug the appliance immediately after
use (but do not pull the mains cable).
Do not use this appliance for other purpose as for styling hair.
Only use original accessories.
Never leave the appliance unattended during operation and always unplug after use.
Before first use
Remove all packaging material such as carton, foil etc.
Scope of delivery
Carrying belt
Travel bag
Instructions for use
Warranty card
Using your hair dryer hood
Position of the switch
0 =
1 =
Heating level 1 (operation hair dryer hood and hair dryer)
2 =
Heating level 2 (operation hair dryer hood and hair dryer)
3 =
Heating level 3 (operation hair dryer only)
Useful tips:
After washing, towel your hair.
Put your hair in rollers in the usual way each time before using the appliance.
Using the hair dryer hood
Simply suspend the appliance from the carrying belt.
Place the hood on your head. Put the plug of the appliance into a mains socket.
To dry your hair simply push the switch to timer position „1“ or „2“
The hair dryer hood function is for gentle treatment of the hair limited from level 1 to level 2
maximum. Adjust the hood by means of the continuously variable carrying belt so that it hovers
freely above your hair and is not pulled downwards by the weight of the blower.
After drying is completed turn the switch to the „0“ position.
Finally remove the hood from your head.
Using the hair dryer alone
After removing the hood and the grey hood support the appliance is a usual hair dryer. If you leave
the grey hood support on the appliance, you can use the hair drying function from level 1 2.
When the grey hood support is removed, the hair drying function can be used from level 1 3. To

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