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appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to
ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Explain to your children all risks which can be caused by electric current:
- Danger caused by hot parts of the appliance
- Danger caused by hot liquids
- Danger caused by electric current
Keep the appliance at any time out of reach of children or persons who can not handle
electric appliances properly.
Do not leave packaging components (plastic bags, cardboard, polystyrene, etc.) within
the reach of children, as it could be dangerous - danger of suffocation!
Caution! Danger of electric shock! Appliance, cord and plug should never get into
contact with water or any other liquids to avoid the risk of electric shock:
- never immerse the appliance, the cord or the plug in water or any other
liquid for any reason whatsoever
- the cord should never get wet or get in contact with humid things.
- never use the appliance near a sink, or bathtub to avoid danger of falling
into water
- never touch the appliance with wet hands or standing on a wet ground
- never place the appliance on wet ground
- never use the appliance outdoors
Note: Should the appliance fall into water while connected to the mains - immediately unplug
before taking it out of the water. In this case never put your hands into water as long as the
appliance is connected to the mains! Danger for life by electrical shock!
Caution risk of injury! Never touch the blades while the machine is plugged in to
avoid injury. Keep fingers hair, clothing and utensils away from moving parts. Act with
caution handling the cutting knife, specially while cleaning it.
Attention! There is always danger of scalding while dealing with hot liquids. Never
blend hot oil or fat or liquids hotter than 45°C . Always fill mixing bowls half only while
mixing warm liquids. Switch off the appliance before changing any supplies or
additional parts.
Caution! Never leave the appliance unattended and always switch OFF and unplug
when the unit is not in use, even if it is only for a short moment.
Note: Never prepare hard materials like frozen food, old bread, or uneatable material
like cheese rind, bones and gristles or stalks and fruit stones. The appliance is not
suited for hard material.
Special safeguards for chopper attachment
Care is needed when handling cutting blades, especially when removing the blade
from the bowl, emptying the bowl and during cleaning. Don’t touch the sharp blades!
Remove the chopper blade before emptying the bowl
Never open the appliance until the blade has completely stopped.
Keep short term operation of 15 seconds to avoid overheating of the appliance.
Unplug the appliance
- when the appliance is not in use
- before changing accessories or cleaning the appliance
- before unscrewing the shaft,
- or if a problem occurs during operation.

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