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socket. The plug at the cord is designed for connecting it directly to the appliance. It can
be connected firmly to the appliance to guarantee corded operation correctly. Charge the
appliance before and after each use. Use the appliance cordless.
Using the comb attachment
Turn the cutting length adjustment wheel on the front side of hand unit until the comb
attachment has reached your desired lengths for hair cutting. You can read the cutting-
length level at the side of the unit.
Hold the hair clipper relaxed but ensure that it is always under maximum control. Switch
appliance on.
Use the thin out function (plastic blade in front of the cutting blade) as per your desire.
It is recommended to cut with the attached length attachment using the “biggest” length
first. Then gradually cut shorter if you wish so. Switch on and start trimming the hair
beginning with the side of the head. Move the hair clipper slowly from the bottom
upwards. Gently put the clipper against the hair, the front of the length attachment facing
upwards. If desired to cut the hair shorter set a shorter length of cut.
The thin out function allows you to thin out certain areas of hair with big volume. You can
use it with or without the length attachment.
When switching the ON/OFF switch into position upwards, the plastic blade which partly
covers the upper cutting blade is pushed out of the appliance. This reduces the number
of cutting teeth of the blade and less hair will be cut while using the thin out function.
Cleaning the blades
Hold the hair clipper in front of you with clipper blade in front upwards. Press the blade
gently backwards with your thumb in order to remove the clipper blade from the housing.
The blade in its holder will be removed from the hair clipper. Use the cleaning brush to
remove any hair remaining between the blades and from the open head. Then place 1 or
2 drops of the provided oil onto the blade for lubrication. Gently replace the blade holder
and ensure that it is engaged properly. Switch the appliance on for a couple of seconds
so that the oil can be distributed evenly. Use only the provided oil for lubrication.

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