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Steam function:
You can use the steam function if water is filled into the water tank only. Always fill water into
the iron while the iron is unplugged and cold! Ironing with steam is possible at higher
temperatures only. Turn the steam control button to “0” position and set the temperature control
 or MAX position. The scales of the control lamps display the adjusted level. The iron will
heat up now. Now turn the steam control button to the maximum position, steam will come out,
ironing can start.
The iron has push buttons for spray and steam function. Turning the steam control will minimize
or maximize the steam function. When placing the iron into upright position, steam function will
stop automatically. Even when the temperature is too low for building up steam, water will not
drip out of the steam holes thanks to the integrated Anti-Drip function.
Burst-of-steam function:
The water tank must be filled. Set the temperature control to the  or MAX position, then
press down the burst of steam button (see Fig. 3). The burst of steam will come out with force of
the soleplate. Wait a few seconds to allow the steam-chamber to refill and get pressure again
before you repeat this. You can use this function in both - horizontal and vertical position.
Spray function:
Only when water is filled into the water tank the spray function will operate. Press the spray
button and vaporised water will spray out from the spray nozzle to humidify the fabric to easy the
ironing of creases.
Dry function: Turn the steam control selector to “0” (see Fig. 1). Steam is now switched off.
A big parking sill guarantees firm upright stand while the iron is not in use for a short pause.
Self-Clean function:
Lint and calcareous water might block the steam holes in the sole plate. Manufacturer
recommends to regularly clean the appliance and not to leave water in the water tank to avoid
risk of damaging.
For self-clean function the water tank must be filled to MAX position and the iron must be
adjusted to steam level 4. Set the temperature control button to the MAX position also. Then
push the self cleaning button (see Fig. 3) below the handle. A stronger steam burst will push
blocking particles out of the holes in the sole plate.
Anti-Lime function:
The appliance has an Anti-lime cassette inside the water tank. It transforms lime-ions into
natrium-ions to soften calcareous water. This may reduce calcinations inside of the water tank.
Automatic cut-off
If the appliance is left at the textile while it is connected to the mains and switched on, this will be
indicated by an acoustic signal. The red control lamp will flash and the appliance will switch into
the „Standby“ mode after approx. 30-60 seconds.
Please note that the appliance will cool down very slowly. If the appliance has been
heated up shortly before there might be burn and damage on your textile when leaving the
iron standing on it, even if the appliance has switched into „Standby“ mode.
If the appliance will be left in upright position and will not be moved any more for a longer time, it
will switch intoStandby“ mode and cool down slowly after approx. 8-10 minutes. Caution! The
iron is not switched off completely then! As soon as it will be moved again it will start to heat
up again. Just when unplugged from the mains supply, the appliance is switched of completely .

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