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Unplug the appliance.
Lift up the glass jar.
Turn the blade holder to the right to remove. Then you can remove the gasket and the
blade. Take care when removing the blade as it is very sharp, touch the lower part only!
The filling cap can be removed by turning it to the left slightly to release it form the lid.
Caution! Danger of injury! The blade is very sharp! Take care when attaching or
removing! Do not touch the blade at the sharp blades! Do not remove the lid while
operating the unit! Before taking off the lid always wait until the rotating blade has
stopped. Never grasp inside or hold any kitchen tools inside while in operation. Never
touch the blade while the unit is plugged! Never let long hair or cloth hang over the
unit while plugged and the lid is open. Always take care while emptying the glass jar
or while attaching, removing or cleaning the blade.
Caution! Never fill hot liquids or hot food in the glass jar! The temperature of the
liquids or food must be not hotter as 45°C! Otherwise the glass can break and hot
liquids or food can cause burns! Always ensure to fix the splash protection lid and
glass jar properly at the appliance.
Caution! During operation never unscrew the glass jar from the blade holder! The
blade will continue rotating! This is very dangerous! It causes danger of heavy injury
and danger of damaging the appliance by the rotating blade and because of leakage of
fluid! The glass jar may be removed only when the blade holder is mounted firmly!
Before attaching the glass jar onto the unit ensure that the glass jar is fixed firmly at
the blade holder.
For safety reason always switch off before removing the glass jar. Then remove the
glass jar, first empty it and then unscrew the blade holder.
Safety switch
While positioning the glass jar onto the driving unit a small hidden safety switch is being
activated. This prevents the motor from running without the bowl in its position.
Provide the prepared food. Before chopping it, wash, peel and cut into pieces.
The appliance is equipped with a blade and suited for cutting or mixing pieces of peeled
fruit, vegetable or similar ingredients. You can use the appliance for preparing mixed soft
drinks, drinks mixed with alcohol, sauces, desserts… Use fruit, vegetables, fruit juice,
soft drinks, milk, yoghurt, cream, ready made fruit purees, ice cream (not hard frozen) or
even ice cubes.
Tip: Use food that contains liquid or add some liquid (necessary). Only dry food is not
suitable with the appliance.
Do not use the appliance to chop tough or hard food like meat or potatoes. The
appliance is not suited to mix dough or prepare whipped cream. Do not use the
appliance to chop old hard bread, cheese rind. Never chop bone or fishbone, stalk or
stone of vegetable or fruit.
The best food to chop is soft fruit or pre cooked vegetables, ingredients which contain
liquid and so on.
Never operate the appliance empty to avoid damaging the motor.

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