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Wall mount
Fix the wall mount with the fitting screws and wall plugs at the wall next to a socket.
Engage the appliance into the wall mount.
Plug the charger into the unit and a socket nearby.
The place should be dry and not reachable for small children.
Store the appliance always in plugged and in the wall mount to guarantee that it is always
ready for use.
Before first use remove all packaging material such as carton, foil etc.
A charging time of 24 hours is required for initial use. To charge/recharge plug the charger into
a 230 V AC electrical outlet. The charge control lamp indicates charging.
If charge control lamp is not illuminated, check if the outlet is powered and if the jack of the
charger is properly seated in the charging socket.
You may leave your cleaner on charge continuously so that it is always ready for use. There
is no risk of overcharging.
Use of the appliance
Caution! Do not use the appliance to suc explosive dust, inflammable or poisonable
material or sharp edged objects, hard dirt, cullet or similar objects! This is dangerous and
the unit is not suited for such purpose.
Use this appliance for domestic purpose or in the car only. Do not use it on animal or
people to avoid injury.
Never use the appliance without or with damaged filter. This can cause damage to the
motor and injury by loose debris.
To operate the appliance remove the vacuum cleaner from wall bracket. Unplug the charger
for maximum mobility and switch the appliance on.
The crevice tool or the rubber suction lip can be atttached into the suction opening (see
following pictures).
Crevice nozzle: Attach the crevice nozzle into the suction opening as the following picture
shows. Please ensure that it is fiixed properly. The crevice nozzle is suited especially for
small splices.

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