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Please note: To avoid damage of the cooking plates: After switch off cookware which still
contains hot food must be removed of the cooking plates immediately. Otherwise the
cooking plates could be damaged by remaining heat in the bottom of the cookware.
Damages caused by remaining heat off cookware are not secured and the manufacturer
will assume no liability in this case..
Special Notes:
Persons with pace makers are, according of today’s standards of knowledge, not at risk. In case
of misuse or unfavourable situation, we cannot eliminate remaining risks. For persons with pace
makers we would therefore recommend to consult a doctor before using induction cooking plates.
Persons with a pacemaker should keep a minimum distance of 60 cm to the device while it is in operation.
To avoid any risks do not place very big ferromagnetic objects (i.e. griddles) onto the cooking zone
of the glass field. Do not place other ferromagnetic objects than cookware (i.e. credit cards, TV,
radio, cassettes near or on the glass surface of the induction cooking plate when it is in operation.
Place the appliance on a stable, flat and dry surface which is large enough to work without any
trouble, to eliminate the risk of falling down. Do not place the appliance at inflammable surfaces
(i.e. table cloth…). Do not place the appliance near or onto hot surfaces or other strong heating
devices (i.e. cookers, open fire, heaters…).
It is recommended not to put metallic utensils (i.e. knives, pot or pan covers etc.) on the cooking
plate in case of switching on the appliance, they might get hot.
Do not insert any objects (i.e. wires, or tools into the ventilation slots. Attention! This may cause
electrical shock.
Do not touch the hot surface of the glass field. Please note: Even though the induction cooking
plate does not heat up itself during cooking, the temperature of the heated cookware heats up
the cooking plate!
The system of induction cooking
The induction cooking plate and the cookware placed on it build up one unit by reason of electro-
magnetism. The emerging energy will change into heat directly in the bottom of the cookware.
This avoids heat loss which is caused by constant heating and permanent keeping warm on standard
cooking plates. It is not necessary to preheat, the induction cooking plate. When connected it always
is in the Standby Mode, without any power consumption.
Technical operating mode
A copper induction spool under the glass plate generates an alternating electro-magnetic field.
The eddy current creates magnetic fields which directly heat up the bottom of the cooking ware.
The eddy current changes immediately into heat. The glass plate itself stays cold. But the hot bottom
of the cookware releases its heat to the glass plate and heats it up. This means saving time and energy,
because compared with common cooking plates the cookware is heated up, not the heating element and
the glass plate itself. The heat input promptly adapts the changed settings and can be controlled in small
steps. The induction cooking plate reacts to change settings just as far as a gas stove. The energy
reaches the pot immediately without having to heat up other materials first. Induction technology
combines fast reaction with the basic advantage of highly precise adjustment of the heat consumption.
Suitable cookware
The most important is that the heat conductance of the cooking ware is extremely well, to guarantee
a constant heat distribution. The bottom of the cookware used with the induction plate has to be
magnetic (ferromagnetic). Recommended for use are enamelled pots made of magnetic steel, roasting
tins made of cast iron or special stainless steel cooking ware with a special steel “sandwich” bottom.
The specialized trade sells suitable cookware. Suitable is all cookware with a spiral symbol graven into
its bottom.
Tip: Test with a magnet if the cookware you plan to use is suitable for induction cooking.
Note: Do not use cookware made of glass, ceramic or aluminium. This kind of cookware is not
suited for use with induction cooking plate.

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