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= Maximum cutting thickness
L = Useful blade length
= Number of cuts at idling speed
Voltage of battery pack
m = Weight
(with smallest battery pack)
Vibration total value (vector sum of three
directions) determined in accordance with
EN 60745:
= Vibration emission value (idle speed)
= Uncertainty (vibration)
The vibration emission level given in this informa-
tion sheet has been measured in accordance with
a standardised test given in EN 60745 and may be
used to compare one tool with another. It is also
suitable for a provisional estimate of the vibratory
The specified vibration level applies to the main
applications of the power tool. However if the tool
is used for different applications, with different
accessories or poorly maintained, the vibration
emission may differ. This can considerably
increase the vibratory load over the entire working
An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration
should also take into account the times when the
tool is switched off or when it is running but not
actually doing the job. This may significantly
reduce the exposure level over the total working
Identify additional safety measures to protect the
operator from the effects of vibration such as:
maintain the tool and the accessories, keep the
hands warm, organisation of work patterns.
Typical A-effective perceived sound levels:
LpA = Sound pressure level
= Acoustic power level
, K
= Uncertainty
= Guaranteed acoustic power level as
per 2000/14/EC
Wear ear protectors!
Battery charger LC 60:
A = Voltage of the battery packs
B = Charging current
C = Charging time
as a function of the
battery pack capacity
Depending on the residual capacity and the
temperature of the battery pack, real charging
times may deviate from the specifications.
Measured values determined in conformity with
EN 60745.
The technical specifications quoted are subject to
tolerances (in compliance with the relevant valid
17026967_0310 PowerTrimmer.book Seite 14 Donnerstag, 11. März 2010 1:15 13

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