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Brief overview
1 Door handle
& Locks thevehicle centrally
% Unlocks the vehicle centrally
2 Seat functions
Adjusts the seat electrically
r Memory function and presets
3 Light switch
4 Steering wheel paddle shifters
5 Multifunctionsteering wheel buttons
6 COMAND display
Cockpit overview
$ WARNING Make sure that youread the entire Operator's Manual. Otherwise, youmay fail to recognizedangers.
Overhead control panel
*Not available in all countries
8 Upper control panel
c Seat heater
s Seat ventilation
£ Hazard warning lights
f Parking Assist PARKTRONIC
9 Climate control
a Selector lever
b COMAND controller
% Back button
g Favorites button
j Delete button
T Seats menu
c Roadster functions
Roof switch
Operates all side windows
Operates thedraft stop
d Driving functions
x Manual gearshifting
E Park position
Selects a DYNAMIC SELECT drive
É Vehicle level
Driving statusmenu
(only Active Body Control)
ECO start/stop function
e ! Electric parking brake
f p Opens or closes the trunk lid
g Door control panel with controls for power
windowsand exterior mirror settings
2 Buttons for interior lighting and reading light
3 ï Button forMB Info call*
(mbrace System)
e.g. for questions on vehicle operation
4 G SOS button* (mbracesystem)
5 F Button for breakdown assistance call*
(mbrace System)
Cockpit overview
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described.
1 Combination switch for turn signals, high-
beam headlamps and windshield wipers
2 Lever for electrical steering column
3 Lever for cruise control/Active Distance
Combination switch windshield wiper
Combinationswitch – lighting functions
1 í
Single wipe
Wipes with washer fluid
1 $ Windshield wipersoff
2 Ä Intermittent wiping, normal
3 Å Intermittent wiping, frequent
4 ° Continuous wiping, slow
5 ¯ Continuous wiping, fast
1 High-beam headlamps or
Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus
2 Turn signal, right
3 High-beam flasher
4 Turn signal, left
Lever on the steering wheel
$ WARNING Make sure that youread the entire Operator's Manual. Otherwise, youmay fail to recognizedangers.
Activating/deactivating Changing the speed
1 Switches on with the current speed or calls
up the last
set speed
2 Deactivates Active Distance Assist
3 Increases the speed or stores the current
4 Decreases the speedorstores the current
5 Increases the specified minimum distance
6 Reduces the specifiedminimum distance
Active DistanceAssist DISTRONIC maintains a
constant speed which has been stored. The
lowest speed that can be set is 20 mph
(30 km/h).
You can change the setspeed:
WhenActive Distance PilotDISTRONIC is
activated, one or two segments in the set speed
range light up in the speedometer.
Using the controller on the DISTRONIC lever, you
can change the specified minimumdistance to
the vehicleinfront. The specified minimum
distance depends on thecurrently driven speed.
X 1mph (1 km/h) step: Briefly press the lever
up or down.
X 5mph (10km/h) step: Press thelever up or
down past the pressurepoint.
Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described.
Order no. P231 0183 13 Part no. 231 584 76 02 EditionA-2019
Adjusting climate control
You can adjust climatecontrol using thebuttons
on control panel 1.
If you change any settings, the lower edge of
display 2 briefly shows the currentsettingsof
climate control.
Climate control control panel General notes
Climate control regulates the temperature and
the humidity in the vehicle interior and filters
undesirablesubstances out of the air.
Climate control is only operational when the
engine is running. Optimum operation is only
achieved when the side windows and the roof are
To prevent thewindows from fogging up, please
observe the following information:
¬ Defrosts the windshield
Ì Residual heat with the engine off
¿ Activates or deactivates the cooling
function of climatecontrol.
¤ Defrosts the rear window
ñ Sets the airflow
I Reduces theairflow
K Increases the airflow
_ Sets the air distribution
à Sets climate control to automatic mode
g Air-recirculation mode
The air in the interior is recirculated.
In air-recirculation mode,the windows
can fog up more quickly.
á Sets climate zones separately
^ Completely activates or deactivates
climate control.
^ Switches off climatecontrol only briefly
g Switch on air-recirculation mode only
¿ Switch on the cooling function.
In warm weather, the air inside the vehicle
will be cooled. This function also dries the
air insidethe vehicle.
¬ If necessary, briefly switch on the
windshield defroster.
Climate control

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Mercedes SL 2019 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 330 pagina's

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