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E-Class Cabriolet
Brief Instructions
1 Seat functions
Adjusts the seat electrically
c Seat heating
s Seat ventilation
w Adjusts the front passengerseat
r Memory function and memory presets
2 Light switch
3 Driver assistancesystems
è Active Steering Assist
à Active Lane Keeping Assist
é Switches off Parking Assist
Depending on thevehicle's
equipment, the button may also be at
position c.
Head-up Display
4 Multifunction steering wheel control panels
Cockpit overview
$ WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual. Otherwise, you may not recognizedangers.
Overhead control panel
*Not available in all countries
6 Multimedia system display
7 Rocker switches for automatic climate
8 Direct buttons for main functions of the
multimedia system
Ø Navigation menu
$ Radio menu
Õ Media menu
% Telephone menu
Vehicle menu
9 Multimedia system controller
Adjusts thevolume
Press: Mute function
Ü Switches the multimedia systemon/
Seat belt extender
ò Multimedia system main menu
% Back button
a Multimedia system touchpad
b Cabriolet functions
Operates all side windows
Soft top
c Driving functions
É Vehicle level
c Active Parking Assist
ECO start/stopfunction
d Start/Stop button
e ! Electric parking brake
f p Opens or closes the trunk lid
g Door control panel with
controls for power windows, exterior mirror
adjustment and the override feature for the
rear side windows
h Door handle
& Locks the vehiclecentrally
% Unlocks the vehicle centrally
1 Buttons for interior lighting and reading light
2 Button for Mercedes me connect*
3 G SOS button*
(Mercedes-Benz emergency call
Cockpit overview
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all of the features described.
1 Combination switch for turn signal lights,
high beam and windshield wipers
2 Lever for electrical steering wheel
adjustment andsteering wheel heater
Combination switch windshield wiper
Combinationswitch – lighting functions
1 í
Single wipe
Wipes with washer fluid
1 $ Windshield wipersoff
2 Ä Intermittent wiping, normal
3 Å Intermittent wiping, frequent
4 ° Continuous wiping, slow
5 ¯ Continuous wiping, fast
1 High beam or
Adaptive Highbeam Assist Plus
2 Turn signal light, right
3 Headlamp flasher
4 Turn signal light, left
Lever on steering wheel
$ WARNING Make sure that you read the entire Operator's Manual. Otherwise, you may not recognizedangers.
Activating/deactivating Changing the speed
1 Switches on or off Active Distance
3 Activates Active Distance Assist
DISTRONIC with the current speed
4 Activates with the stored speed/pulls
away with Active DistanceAssist
Deactivates Active Distance Assist
2 Increases the specified distance
Reduces thespecified distance
3 Increases the speed
Decreases the speed
Active DistanceAssist DISTRONIC maintains a
constant speed which has been stored.
Thelowest speed that can be set is 12 mph
(20 km/h).
You can change the setspeed:
Using rockerswitch 2, you can change the
specified distance to the vehicle in front. The
specified distance depends on the currently
driven speed.
If rocker switch 4 is pressed upwards twice,
Distance Assist DISTRONIC is activated with the
speed restriction displayed in the instrument
X 1mph step (1 km/h): Briefly press rocker
switch 3 up or down.
X 5mph step (10km/h): Press rocker
switch 3 up or downbeyond the
pressure point.
Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC
Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all of the features described.
Order no. P238 0322 13 Part no. 238 584 82 03 EditionA-2019
Operating possibilities forclimate control
You can setautomatic climate control using:
•The rocker switches on control panel 1 of the
center console
•The air conditioning menu of the multimedia
Air-conditioning function bar 2 shows the most
important settings and the status of the climate
control system.
Automatic climate control panelAir conditioning menu of the multimedia
SYNC Changes settings for all climate zones
in the vehicle simultaneously
A/C Deactivates the cooling function of
automatic climate control
Climate Mode Changes the air flow
Air Freshener Sets the intensity of the
fragrancing system
Ionization Freshens the air in the interior
using ionization
w Sets the temperature
_ Sets the air distribution
H Sets the air flow, switches automatic
climate control off completely
à Sets climate control to automatic mode
¬ Defrosts the windshield
! Callsup the airconditioning menu
If you press and hold the t button for
approximately 4seconds,automatic
climatecontrol will be reset to the basic
Residual heat with the engine off
¤ Defrosts the rear window
0 Synchronized operation
g Air-recirculation mode
The air in the interior is recirculated; the
windowsmay fog up more quickly.
¿ Cooling with airdehumidification
X To call up theair conditioning menu: Press
the t rocker switch on thecontrol panel up
or down.
Climate control

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