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Care tips
In order to improve mobile performance, reduce the radio emission, reduce battery
power consumption and ensure safe operation, please observe the following
How to correctly use the phone:
1 Keep the phone and parts and accessories out of children's reach.
2 Keep the phone dry and in a ventilated environment when charging. Do not use
water, chemicals or cleaning solvents to clean the phone. Also, avoid rain, moisture
and liquids that contain minerals that corrode electronic circuit boards.
3 Do not attempt unauthorized disassembly of the phone. If you have questions,
please contact Meizu or a local Meizu store.
4 Do not store the device in extreme temperatures as it can shorten the life of
electronic devices and damage the battery. Recommended use environment is
between -10 and 5.
5 Do not drop, knock or strongly shake the mobile phone, as it may result in damage
to the internal circuit board.
6 If dropped in water water, make sure to turn off the mobile and send it to the local
Meizu Certified Store immediately for repair. Do not attempt to dry it by using any
heating equipment such as dryers, microwave ovens, etc.
7 Do not attempt to repair any product at home. If the phone is not working, consult
Meizu for after-sales service.
8 Prolonged phone calls, web surfing sessions and gaming may result in the phone
warming up, especially when charging. This is normal phenomenon among
modern smartphones.
9 The phone has a built-in antenna. Do not damage or perform
unauthorized modifications to the antenna, which may result
in reduced equipment efficiency and increased SAR values
exceeding the recommended range.
10 Do not place heavy objects on, or press hard on the phone,
to avoid damage to the phone or its touch screen display.
Mobile security and backup:
The device supports internet connectivity. Like computers, it may be exposed to
viruses, malicious information or applications, and other harmful content. Please only
open messages, accept connectivity requests, download content and accept
installation requests from reliable sources. Please back up important information
regularly to prevent the loss of data.
Other 72
MIMO Antenna
Main Antenna

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Abonneer u voor het ontvangen van emails voor uw Meizu M2Note - M571H bij:

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