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To Program the Drivers Seat Position and Outside Mirror Angle
1 Park the vehicle.
2 Adjust the seat to the desired position using the slide/tilt and
recline switches.
3 Adjust the outside mirror angles.
4 Push the memory seat SET button followed by one of the programming
buttons (1-3) until a beep is heard. Programming is now complete.
Program the remaining two buttons as desired.
To Program the Drivers Seat Position and Outside Mirror Angle
with Advanced key/Retractable type key
1 Adjust the seat and outside mirror angle to the desired positions.
2 Switch the ignition off.
3 Push the SET button next to the programming buttons and then the
unlock button on the advanced key/retractable type key you want to
program within about 5 seconds. A beep sound is heard when the
operation is completed.
When the driver's door is unlocked using a programmed advanced key/
retractable type key, the seat and outside mirror angles will move to their programmed
positions if the driver's door is opened within about 40 seconds. A beep sound is
heard after the adjustment to the programmed positions is completed.
To Move the Seat and Outside Mirrors to a Programmed Position
1 Shift the selector lever to the P position.
2 Push the programming button (1-3) that you selected when
programming your seat position.
Slide/Tilt Switch
Seat can be moved back
and forth, raised, lowered,
or tilted with this control.
Lumbar Switch
Push forward or backward to increase or
decrease lumbar support.
Recline Switch
Push forward or backward
to adjust seatback angle.
Memory Seat Switch
1 Open liftgate.
2 Lower head restraints.
3 Pull each strap on the rear of
the seat while pushing the left
and right seat forward to lay at.
To Return to the Original Position
Pull the strap to return the seatback to the original position.
To create a at luggage compartment
space, fold the seatbacks forward.
Third-row seat
access lever
Seatback folding
NOTE: The third row seats are equipped with foldable head
restraints. To fold the head restraint, pull the strap on the back
of the head restraint and fold the head restraint downward. To
return the head restraint to its upright position, lift it upward.
To recline the seatback, lean forward slightly while folding lever.
Then lean back to the desired position and release the lever.
1 Unfasten the lap portion of the center-rear seat belt.
2 Slide seat all the way back toward rear of vehicle.
3 Lower head restraints.
4 Pull the seatback folding lever and fold the seatback forward.
Pull the third-row seat access lever on the
side of the second-row seatback to fold
and slide the seat forward to access
third-row seating.
Return the second-row seatback to the
normal upright position by pulling up on
the seatback until it locks into place.
Slide the second-row seat forward or back
for proper legroom using the lever under
the front of the seat.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Mazda CX-9 - 2015

Mazda CX-9 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 48 pagina's

Mazda CX-9 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 604 pagina's

Mazda CX-9 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 666 pagina's

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