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Black plate (3,1)
Thank you for choosing a Mazda. We at Mazda design and build vehicles with complete
customer satisfaction in mind.
To help ensure enjoyable and trouble-free operation of your Mazda, read this manual
carefully and follow its recommendations.
An Authorized Mazda Deal er knows your vehicle best. So when maintenance or service is
necessary, that's the place to go.
Our nationwide network of Mazda professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best
possible service.
We assure you that all of us at Mazda have an ongoing interest in your motoring pleasure
and in your full satisfaction with your Mazda product.
Mazda Motor Corporation
Important Notes About This Manual
Keep this manual in the glove box as a handy reference for the safe and enjoyable use of your Mazda. Should you
resell the vehicle, leave this manual with it for the next owner.
All specifications and descriptions are accurate at the time of printing. Because improvement is a constant goal at
Mazda, we reserve the right to make changes in specifications at any time without notice and without obligation.
Air Conditioning and the Environment
Your Mazda's genuine air conditioner is filled with HFC134a (R134a), a refrigerant that has been found not to
damage the earth's ozone layer. If the air conditioner does not operate properly, consult an Authorized Mazda
Certain components of this vehicle such as [air bag modules, seat belt pretensioners, lithium batteries, ...] may
contain Perchlorate Material Special handling may apply for service or vehicle end of life disposal. See
Please be aware that this manual applies to all models, equipment and options. As a result, you may find
some explanations for equipment not installed on your vehicle.
©2011 Mazda Motor Corporation
Printed in Japan Oct. 2011 (Print1)
A Word to Mazda Owners
CX-7_8CG3-EA-11J_Edition1 Page3
Saturday, September 24 2011 10:31 AM
Form No.8CG3-EA-11J

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Andere handleiding(en) van Mazda CX-7 - 2012

Mazda CX-7 - 2012 Snelstart handleiding - English - 16 pagina's

Mazda CX-7 - 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 58 pagina's

Mazda CX-7 - 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 575 pagina's

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