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From the Chairman
Congratulations on your purchase of this limited
edition,40th Anniversary,hand wired JTM45/100 Dual
Output 100 Watt,all-valve head and accompanying pair
of 4x12 cabinets.The original version of this world
famous amplifier was built in late 1965 at the request of
the young rock musicians of that period.I was being
asked to provide bigger and louder amplification to
accommodate the harder edge and aggression of this
younger generation’s take on rock and roll and blues.I was
only too happy to accept this challenge!
My team of engineers set to work using a JTM45 with two
power sections as the basis for the very first Marshall 100 watt
head and in November 1965 these formidable amps with
accompanying 8x12 cabs made their stage debut.The original 8x12s
proved too bulky for transportation and were returned in favour of stacking
two 4x12 cabinets,one on top of the other.Thus the Marshall ‘stack’ was born.
This authentic replica stack and head celebrates the fortieth anniversary of this much documented
episode in rock music history and is part of an ongoing series,featuring hand wired re-issues of
revered historical Marshall Products.The reason I have decided to do this is simple - public demand!
Marshall’s reputation and longevity has evolved as a result of the philosophy behind the design and
build of our amplifiers.Our design engineers are nearly always guitarists and have the benefit of
developing our products from both musical and electronic view points.Anybody who appreciates
great vintage tone will enjoy the magic contained within this milestone of electric guitar amplification.
These vintage tones are still to this day regarded as benchmarks.
At a time when the face and sound of popular music was rapidly changing,players were constantly
pushing back and redefining musical boundaries.The JTM45/100,with its relatively simple controls,
features and circuitry was there on the front line at the beginning of this music revolution.
I sincerely hope that this unique looking and sounding,handwired landmark of Marshall history will
provide you with countless hours of playing pleasure,inspiring you to push musical boundaries even
further…just like the famous players of the originals did!
Yours Sincerely,

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