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3. 'Out 1 / Left' Jack Socket - Passive Bypass
Out 1 is connected to a passive bypass circuit. The passive
bypass ensures complete tonal integrity by disconnecting the
output of the effects circuit when not in operation. When a
jack is connected to Out 1 the pedal operates in mono mode.
4. 'Out 2 /Right' Jack Socket - Spill-Over
Out 2 is connected to a spill-over circuit. When the pedal is
switched off the echoes it has produced are allowed to 'spill'
and naturally decay over your playing while the input feeding
the effects circuit is switched off. When a jack is connected to
Out 2 the pedal operates in mono mode.
When jacks are connected to Out 1 & Out 2 the pedal operates
in Stereo mode, producing a ping-pong style delay between
the two outputs. In stereo mode the delay time of Out 2 is half
the length of Out 1. No spill-over is present when the pedal
operates in stereo mode.
5. Mode
The Echohead offers six different delay modes. Selected by
switching the mode knob in to one of the six positions.
Hi-Fi A solid delay line throwing out crystal clear repeats
of the input.
Analogue Filters shape the echoes, adding a subtle tone and
recreating the sound of the guitar cascading
through old analogue delay circuits.
Tape Echo The narrow bandwidth and unstable whir of a tape
delay inspired these harsh degenerating echoes.
The random wow and flutter of an old motor adds
a warm organic chorus to the dark textured delays.
Multi Tap Multiple echoes pulse out of the pedal providing a
dense rhythmic sound.
Reverse Sucking the sound out backwards, the reverse
mode trails out a series of hypnotic repeats
creating psychedelic textures.
Mod Filter Sweeping across your sound, synced to your delay
time, a modulating filter adds movement and depth
to the echoes.
6. Delay Time
Controls the delay time of the echoes from 20ms (fully anti-
clockwise) to 2000ms (fully clockwise).
7. Feedback
Controls the amount of output signal that is fed-back and
mixed with the input increasing the time taken for the echoes
to decay. Fully anti-clockwise no signal is fed back and only
one echo is repeated, fully clockwise and the entire signal is
fed back causing the echoes to sound indefinitely.
8. Level
Controls the level of the overall effect. Fully anti-clockwise
gives the least effect and driest (uneffected) guitar signal,
while fully clockwise gives the most effected guitar sound.
9. Foot Switch
For switching the Echohead on and off.
10. LED
Indicates when the Echohead is in operation.
11. DC Input
For input of a 9V DC centre negative regulated adaptor should
you not wish to use batteries.

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