Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. Don’t rotate the monitor forcibly to avoid
mechanical damage.
2. When the front panel is on the outside
position (Slide item select the right
dot.), you can adjust the angle of the
panel. Pushing the front panel into the
slot, the front panel will be drawn out
after several seconds.
Mode Selection
1) Tap SRC icon on the touch screen, or
press and hold SET/SRC button on the
front panel for several seconds,
SOURCE picture will appear:
Tap the different icon on the screen to
select the corresponding mode among:
Radio, Media, and AV.
2) Press MODE button on the remote
control to select among RADIO, MEDIA,
and AV.
Remote Sensor
There is a remote sensor on the front
panel. You can point the remote control
handset to the remote sensor on the
front panel and press function keys on
the remote control to control the unit.
The unit is also connected to an external
remote receiver (See the electrical
connection diagram above), and the
function is the same with the remote
sensor on the front panel.
7 Inch TFT Monitor Display
When the monitor stretches out, the 7
inch TFT Monitor display can show the
current state of the unit.
Volume Level Adjustment
Press VOL+/- buttons on the remote
control or +/- icon on the right side of
the screen to increase or decrease the
volume level.
Shortly press MUT on the front panel
or MUTE on the remote control or tap
icon on the right side of the
screen will mute the sound. Shortly
press MUT or MUTE or tap
again the sound will resume.
Note: if there is no operation of the
volume bar, the volume bar will
disappear automatically. Tap the right
place of the screen, it will appear.
Press on the front panel to release
the front panel you will see the Reset
button (See THE PLAYER picture
above.) It must be activated with either
a ballpoint pen or thin metal object. The
reset button is to be activated for the
following reasons:
- Initial installation of the unit when all
wiring is completed.
- All the function buttons do not operate.
- Error symbol on the display.
Press MENU button on the remote
control or tap any place on the screen
main menu will appear. Then tap
icon on the left of the screen will enter
the SETUP interface like followed
picture :
For all the operation on the screen, you
can tap the corresponding icon on the
screen or use
/ , / and OK buttons
on the remote control to select and
will return to the previous menu,
to turn off the current menu.

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