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Be sure to read this section before any connection to the mains supply.
Never expose the equipment to rain or moisture.
Never remove the equipments cover.
Never insert anything into the equipments vents.
Never handle the mains lead while your hands are wet.
This Marantz product is available in two different variations, depending
on geographical area. One variation has a preset mains voltage (230V
for General Europe model and U.K. model), while the other variation
features variable voltage that can be selected using a voltage selector
on rear panel (115V/230V).
The voltage selector must be set for your local mains voltage before any
connection to the mains supply. If you need to change its voltage set-
ting, consult your dealer your local Marantz service provider.
This apparatus is fitted with an approved moulded 13 Amp plug.
To change a fuse in this type of plug proceed as follows:
1. Remove fuse cover and fuse.
2. Fix new fuse which should be a BS1362 5A, A.S.T.A. or BSI ap-
proved type.
3. Refit the fuse cover.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket outlets, it should be cut off
and an appropriate plug fitted in its place.
If the mains plug contains a fuse, this should have a value of 5A. If a
plug without a fuse is used, the fuse at the distribution board should not
be greater than 5A.
The severed plug must be destroyed to avoid a possible shock hazard
should it be inserted into a 13A socket elsewhere.
The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the follow-
ing code:
1. The BLUE wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked
with the letter N or coloured BLACK.
2. The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal which is marked
with the letter L or coloured RED.
3. Do not connect either wires to the earth terminal in the plug which is
marked by the letter E or by the safety earth symbol ˙ or coloured
green or green-and-yellow.
Before replacing the plug cover, make certain that the cord grip is
clamped over the sheath of the leadnot simply over the two wires.
Recording and playback of any material may require previous consent.
Refer to the following for further information.
Copyright Act 1956
Dramatic and Musical Performers Act 1958
Performers Protection Acts 1963 and 1972
Any subsequent statutory enactments and orders
Thank you for selecting the Marantz ST6000 FM/AM Stereo Tuner for
your system.
Please read these operating instructions carefully. We recommend that
you read the entire user guide before you attempt to connect or operate
the Tuner.
After you have reviewed the contents of this manual, we suggest that
you make all system connections before you attempt to operate the
Refer to the figures on the pages at the back of this users guide. The
callout numbers on the figures correspond to those found in the text. All
references to the connections and controls that are printed in BOLD
type are as they appear on the unit.
Remember the following important points when installing the Tuner.
Do not expose the component to rain or moisture, as this may cause
damage to the Tuner.
Prevent extra heat from reaching the unit. Never put the Tuner in the
full glare of the sun or near a heat source.
The following precautions should be taken when operating the equip-
When installing the equipment ensure that:
air is allowed to circulate freely around the equipment.
it is placed on a vibration-free surface.
it will not be exposed to excessive heat, cold, moisture or dust.
it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.
it will not be exposed to electrostatic discharges.
In addition, never place heavy objects on the equipment.
If a foreign objector water does enter the equipment, contact your near-
est dealer or service center.
Do not pull out the plug by pulling on the mains lead; grasp the plug
It is advisable when leaving the house, or during a thunderstorm, to
disconnect the equipment from the AC outlet.
Max.30-station preset memory (each FM,AM) with auto preset
memory function
Remote control operation by RC-Bus
Select the FM Antenna A/B
Select the IF band (wide/narrow)
Fine Tuning

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