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After setting the time,
I turned TV off and turn it on.
The programmed information
has been erased.
Too much noise occurs.
No sound while viewing a
cable channel
Picture is OK but sound does
not come out.
One of the speakers does not
produce sound.
Remote control won't work.
Where does the S-Video
cable plug in for audio
Strange noises are heard.
I tried to use the TV screen
as a PC monitor
but it doesn’t work.
Ensure to use the remote control or power button on the product to turn off your TV. If
you unplug the power cord, the stand-by consumption power becomes 0 (zero), which
causes the programmed time to be erased.
Possible solution
Check whether the audio setting is in the Stereo mode. In the Stereo mode, the sound
may be distorted in areas with poor reception or located far away from a TV
broadcasting station.
Make sure audio or audio/video components are securely inserted into the appropriate
jacks. Check other channels for sound. Check the volume settings on the cable
broadcasting receiver.
Try to press volume up/volume down buttons of your remote control.
Select sound balance and make proper adjustment. (Page 20)
Check the speaker connection cables.
Possible solution
Check whether there is a blocking object between the remote control and PDP.
Make sure your PDP is Power On. (Normally, the LED on the front panel is red.)
Check whether batteries are inserted with proper polarities(+, -).
When the batteries are worn out, replace them.
Connect the two Audio jacks from the S-Video cable to the left and right ports on the
Ticking noises during or after watching are caused by the change of ambient
environment such as humidity and temperature, which is characterized by plastic
products. Strange ticking noises occur because a signal is suddenly transmitted to the
PDP panel. So, It is not a malfunction.
Adjust the resolution referring to the standard signal mode table. Check the
specification of your video card installed in your PC. If your video card does not work in
the supported hardware, try upgrading the video card’s driver.

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