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Cautionary points on safe operation and handling
Do not touch the AC adaptor, charger, or battery while charging for an extended
period. The charger and the battery become warm during the charging process.
When the AC adapter has been used for an extended period, the unit becomes
warm. Extended periods of skin contact can produce a low-heat burn.
Do not use or store in dusty, humid, oily, smoky, or steamy place for extended
periods. Fire or electrical shocks can result.
Do not dismantle or modify this product. This can result in injury or electrical shock.
Do not allow water or other foreign particles to enter the mechanism of this product.
If by chance water enters the unit, there is a possibility of fire or electrical shock.
Turn off the main power and remove the battery. Consult your sales branch or near-
est service center.
Do not use in the event the product starts to produce any unusual smells, sounds,
or smoke. Taking special care not to burn yourself, remove the battery and consult
your sales branch or nearest service center. These can cause fires or burns.
Do not use with wet hands. There is a danger of electrical shock. Do not try to insert
or disconnect the AC adapter with wet hands.
Make sure that the strap is not caught on anything when carrying the camera. Care
should be taken in order to avoid catching the strap on other objects when carrying
the camera. This can result in injury or accidents.
Do not place this product in places with high temperature. This will cause deteriora-
tion of the parts and may cause fire.
Only use the provided AC adapter, charger and batteries. A malfunction of this prod-
uct or its power system may cause unexpected accidents. The warrantee does not
cover any injury sustained from using an unspecified AC adapter.
Do not damage the cord of the charger or the AC adapter. Always remove and insert
by holding the plug. Never remove the plug by pulling on the cord. Do not use with
an extension cord.
If the battery terminals become dirty from sweat or grease, connections may be-
come faulty. Always wipe clean with a clean, dry cloth.
Do not use this battery with products from other manufacturers.
Do not remove the battery from the camera immediately after the camera has been
used for an extended period. Burns can result.
In order to prevent short circuiting of the battery terminals, make sure that they are
insulated for carrying and storage.
Remove the battery from this product when it will not be used for long periods.
Battery acid leakage can cause heat, fire and injury.
00-3_ZD back_E_p003-010 07/3/9, 20:364

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