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Releasing the shutter with no film in the camera
The film transport mechanism has a built-in safety lock
prevents the shutter from being released after the
last exposure on a roll of
or when there is no film in
the camera. Thus, when the shutter release button locks
under such circumstances, do not force it To release the
shutter, merely set the multiple-exposure lever to “MULTI”.
Mirror Lock-up
When the mirror is locked in the up position and the
camera is outdoors there is a small possibility of sunlight
entering the lens, focusing on the rubberized-cloth focal
plane shutter, and burning it to a certain degree. Although
such a possibility is remote, caution is called for. There-
fore, when using mirror lock-up outdoors, always return
the mirror to its normal position after completing all your
mirror lock-up exposures. If the interval between mirror
lock-up exposures is long, lower the mirror while waiting.
position on the Shutter Speed Dial
If the shutter is released with the shutter speed dial set to
the 0 position, the mirror will lock in the up position and
the film advance knob will not move. If the camera is left
in this condition the battery will lose its power within
several hours
The 0
is only for use with the PD Prism Finder.
Photographing at Low Temperatures
When photographing at low temperatures, be careful of
the following points to maintain camera performance.
1. Be sure to use a fresh battery.
2. When using electronic flash, set the shutter speed dial
to 1/30 sec. or longer.
3. Place the camera in the outside air only during the
moment of exposure.
*When working at extremely low temperatures, it some-
times becomes impossible to wind the film advance crank
after the shutter has been released. In such a case, after
placing the camera in a warm place, it will become possi-
ble to wind the film advance crank if the upper shutter re-
lease button is strongly depressed as far as it will go.
A battery that malfunctions at low temperatures will
become usable again when it is returned to normal temper-
ature. However, the battery should not be subjected to
rapid and extreme changes of temperature, lest it grow

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