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0 If the camera is not to be used for a long time, remove the
batteries and film.
l Do not store the camera at temperatures exceeding
or below
10°C. Also avoid storing in a damp or sea air environ-
When stored in the vicinity of gaseous chemicals, such as
naphthaline and formalin, the camera and film may be adversely
affected. Read the instructions on the film carefully for proper
handling procedures.
camera is a precision instrument, avoid exposing it to
vibrations or severe shocks.
When handholding your camera, always use a neck strap and
exercise extreme caution when removing lenses and adjusting
the mount.
Prolonged disuse does not lengthen camera life, but shortens
when storing for a long time, periodically take the camera
and release the shutter several times to keep it in good condi-
Do not touch either the front or the back of the lens surfaces.
If either needs cleaning use blower or lens tissue to remove dust
particles. A fingerprint can be removed with a drop
cleaner and wiped off with lens tissue.
l Carefully read all instructions in the manual.
Periodic Examination
In order to maintain the camera in its best condition, it is advis-
able to pedodically check all functions.
When the camera has not been used for a long time, or when it
is to be used for very important photographs, check the camera
or take some trial pictures beforehand. (Be sure to check the
batteries, electronic flash synchronization, film advance,
upper and lower images in the rangefinder, correct
position, and shutter function.)
For a general
overhaul, cleaning, or repairs, take the camera to
your nearest authorized Mamiya Service Center or ask your
camera shop for advice.
This product employs a protective circuit for prevention of electrostatic
electrification. Should an electrostatic trouble occur, be sure to turn off
power to this Product before using it again. Be careful not to touch the
of this
In rare cases,
this Product may be affected by a
electromagnetic wave. In such cases, carefully use this Product.

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