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ENGLISH (Original instructions)
Explanation of general view
Due to our continuing program of research and development, the specifications herein are subject to change without
Specifications and battery cartridge may differ from country to country.
Weight, with battery cartridge, according to EPTA-Procedure 01/2003
Wear ear protection.
The declared vibration emission value has been
measured in accordance with the standard test method
and may be used for comparing one tool with another.
The declared vibration emission value may also be
used in a preliminary assessment of exposure.
The vibration emission during actual use of the power
tool can differ from the declared emission value
depending on the ways in which the tool is used.
Be sure to identify safety measures to protect the
operator that are based on an estimation of exposure in
the actual conditions of use (taking account of all parts
of the operating cycle such as the times when the tool
is switched off and when it is running idle in addition to
the trigger time).
The following show the symbols used for the equipment.
Be sure that you understand their meaning before use.
.................. Take particular care and attention.
................Read and follow the instruction manual.
............... Wear protective helmet, eye and ear
............... Wear protective gloves.
1. Battery cartridge
2. Indicator lamp
3. Control grip
4. Switch trigger
5. Hanger (suspension point)
6. Loop handle
7. Front grip
8. Shaft
9. Angle lock
10. Gear case
11. Blades
12. Red indicator
13. Button
14. Indicator lamps
15. CHECK button
16. Lock-off button
17. Reversing switch
18. A position depressed for normal
19. B position depressed for
removing a branch in blades
20. Speed change switch lever
21. Handle
22. Bolt
23. Hex wrench
24. Socket wrench
25. Battery guard
26. Clamp
27. Clamp cover
28. Arrow mark
29. Nut
30. Truss bolt
Model UN490D, BUN490
Blade length 490 mm
Strokes per minute, Low/High 0 - 1,400/0 - 2,000 (min
Cutting blade angle 135° (up 45°, down 90°)
Overall length 2,595 mm
Rated voltage D.C. 36 V
Standard battery cartridge (and charger)
Always keep the combinations of battery/charger on the
right columns.
BL3622A (DC36WA)/
BL3626 (DC36RA)
BL36120A (DC3600)
Net weight 6.9 kg 11.8 kg
Sound pressure level average Sound power level average
Applicable standard
(dB (A)) Uncertainty K (dB (A)) L
(dB (A)) Uncertainty K (dB (A))
82.9 2 93.2 2.2 ISO10517
Left hand (Front grip) Right hand (Rear grip)
Applicable standard
) Uncertainty K (m/s
) Uncertainty K (m/s
5.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 ISO10517

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