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These accessories or attachments are recommended
for use with your Makita tool specified in this manual.
The use of any other accessories or attachments might
present a risk of injury to persons. Only use accessory
or attachment for its stated purpose.
If you need any assistance for more details regarding
these accessories, ask your local Makita Service Center.
Blade cover
Shear blade assembly
Makita genuine battery and charger
Chip receiver
Some items in the list may be included in the tool
package as standard accessories. They may differ from
country to country.
The typical A-weighted noise level determined according
to EN60745:
Model UH420D
Sound pressure level (L
): 74 dB (A)
Sound power level (L
): 82.5 dB (A)
Uncertainty (K): 2.5 dB (A)
Model UH480D
Sound pressure level (L
): 75 dB (A)
Sound power level (L
): 83.2 dB (A)
Uncertainty (K): 2.5 dB (A)
Model UH482D
Sound pressure level (L
): 75 dB (A)
Sound power level (L
): 82.8 dB (A)
Uncertainty (K): 2.5 dB (A)
Model UH520D
Sound pressure level (L
): 75 dB (A)
Sound power level (L
): 82.9 dB (A)
Uncertainty (K): 2.5 dB (A)
Wear ear protection.
The vibration total value (tri-axial vector sum) determined
according to EN60745:
Work mode: hedge trimming
Vibration emission (a
): 2.5 m/s
Uncertainty (K): 1.5 m/s
The declared vibration emission value has been
measured in accordance with the standard test method
and may be used for comparing one tool with another.
The declared vibration emission value may also be
used in a preliminary assessment of exposure.
The vibration emission during actual use of the power
tool can differ from the declared emission value
depending on the ways in which the tool is used.
Be sure to identify safety measures to protect the
operator that are based on an estimation of exposure in
the actual conditions of use (taking account of all parts
of the operating cycle such as the times when the tool
is switched off and when it is running idle in addition to
the trigger time).
For European countries only
EC Declaration of Conformity
Makita declares that the following Machine(s):
Designation of Machine:
Cordless Hedge Trimmer
Model No./Type:
UH420D, UH480D, UH482D, UH520D
Specifications: see “SPECIFICATIONS” table.
Conforms to the following European Directives:
2000/14/EC, 2006/42/EC
They are manufactured in accordance with the following
standard or standardized documents:
The technical file in accordance with 2006/42/EC is
available from:
Makita, Jan-Baptist Vinkstraat 2, 3070, Belgium
The conformity assessment procedure required by
Directive 2000/14/EC was in Accordance with annex V
Model UH420D
Measured Sound Power Level: 82.5 dB (A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 84 dB (A)
Model UH480D
Measured Sound Power Level: 83.2 dB (A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 86 dB (A)
Model UH482D
Measured Sound Power Level: 82.8 dB (A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 84 dB (A)
Model UH520D
Measured Sound Power Level: 82.9 dB (A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level: 86 dB (A)
25. 11. 2014
Yasushi Fukaya
Makita, Jan-Baptist Vinkstraat 2, 3070, Belgium

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