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into place. Insert it all the way until it locks in place with a
little click. If you can see the red indicator on the upper
side of the button, it is not locked completely.
Always install the battery cartridge fully until the red
indicator cannot be seen. If not, it may accidentally fall
out of the tool, causing injury to you or someone
around you.
Do not install the battery cartridge forcibly. If the
cartridge does not slide in easily, it is not being inserted
Battery protection system
The tool is equipped with a battery protection system. This
system automatically cuts off power to the motor to extend
battery life.
The tool will automatically stop during operation if the tool
and/or battery are placed under one of the following
The tool is operated in a manner that causes it to
draw an abnormally high current.
In this situation, release the switch trigger on the tool
and stop the application that caused the tool to
become overloaded. Then pull the switch trigger
again to restart.
If the tool does not start, the battery is overheated. In
this situation, let the battery cool before pulling the
switch trigger again.
Low battery voltage:
The remaining battery capacity is too low and the tool
will not operate. If you pull the switch trigger, the
motor runs again but stops soon. In this situation,
remove and recharge the battery.
Switch action
Before inserting the battery cartridge into the tool,
always check to see that the switch trigger actuates
properly and returns to the “OFF” position when
For your safety, this tool is equipped with a dual switching
system. To turn on the tool, press the lock-off button and
triggers A and B. Release either one of the two pressed
triggers to turn off. The sequence of switching is
unimportant as the tool only starts when both switches are
activated. (Fig. 2)
Indication lamp (Fig. 3)
Running the tool allows the indication lamp to show the
battery cartridge capacity status.
When the tool is also overloaded and has stopped during
operation, the lamp lights up in red.
Refer to the following table for the status and action to be
taken for the indication lamp.
Note 1: The time at which the indication lamp lights up varies by the temperature around the work area and the battery
cartridge conditions.
Be careful not to accidentally contact a metal fence or
other hard objects while trimming. The blade will break
and may cause serious injury.
Overreaching with a hedge trimmer, particularly from a
ladder, is extremely dangerous. Do not work from
anything wobbly or infirm.
Do not attempt to cut branches thicker than 10 mm
diameter with this trimmer. These should first be cut with
shears down to the hedge trimming level. (Fig. 4)
Do not cut off dead trees or similar hard objects. Failure
to do so may damage the tool.
Hold the trimmer with both hands and pull the switch
trigger A or B and then move it in front of your body.
(Fig. 5)
As a basic operation, tilt the blades towards the trimming
direction and move it calmly and slowly at the speed rate
of 3 - 4 seconds per meter. (Fig. 6)
To cut a hedge top evenly, it helps to tie a string at the
desired hedge height and to trim along it, using it as a
reference line. (Fig. 7)
Attaching the chip receiver (optional accessory) on the
tool when trimming the hedge straight can avoid cut off
leaves’ being thrown away. (Fig. 8)
To cut a hedge side evenly, it helps to cut from the bottom
upwards. (Fig. 9)
Trim boxwood or rhododendron from the base toward the
top for a nice appearance and good job. (Fig. 10)
Installing or removing chip receiver
(optional accessory)
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged before installing or removing chip receiver.
Indication lamp Status Action to be taken
The lamp blinks in red.
This indicates the appropriate time to
replace the battery cartridge when the
battery power becomes low.
Recharge the battery cartridge as soon
as possible.
The lamp lights up in red. (Note 1)
This function works when the battery
power is almost used up. At this time,
tool stops immediately.
Recharge the battery cartridge.
The lamp lights up in red. (Note 1) Autostop due to overload. Turn off the tool.

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