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4. Do not use the hedge trimmer in the rain or in wet or
very damp conditions. The electric motor is not
5. First-time users should have an experienced hedge
trimmer user show them how to use the trimmer.
6. The hedge trimmer must not be used by children or
young persons under 18 years of age. Young persons
over 16 years of age may be exempted from this
restriction if they are undergoing training under the
supervision of an expert.
7. Use the hedge trimmer only if you are in good physical
condition. If you are tired, your attention will be
reduced. Be especially careful at the end of a working
day. Perform all work calmly and carefully. The user is
responsible for all damages to third parties.
8. Never use the trimmer when under the influence of
alcohol, drugs or medication.
9. Check to make sure that the voltage and frequency of
the power supply correspond to the specifications
given on the identification plate. We recommend the
use of a residual-current-operated circuit breaker
(ground-fault circuit interrupter) with a tripping current
of 30 mA or less, or an earth leakage current
10. Work gloves of stout leather are part of the basic
equipment of the hedge trimmer and must always be
worn when working with it. Also wear sturdy shoes
with anti-skid soles.
11. Before starting work check to make sure that the
trimmer is in good and safe working order. Ensure
guards are fitted properly. Check cable for damage
before starting work and replace if necessary. The
hedge trimmer must not be used unless fully
12. Keep cable away from the cutting area. Always work
in such a way that the extension power cord is behind
13. Remove plug from the mains immediately if cable is
damaged or cut.
14. Make sure you have a secure footing before starting
15. Hold the tool firmly when using the tool.
16. Immediately switch off the motor and unplug the
mains plug if the cutter should come into contact with
a fence or other hard object. Check the cutter for
damage, and if damaged repair immediately.
17. Before checking the cutter, taking care of faults, or
removing material caught in the cutter, always switch
off the trimmer and unplug the mains plug.
18. Switch off the trimmer and disconnect and secure the
mains plug before doing any maintenance work.
19. When moving the hedge trimmer to another location,
including during work, always unplug the mains plug.
Never carry or transport the trimmer with the cutter
running. Never grasp the cutter with your hands.
20. Clean the hedge trimmer and especially the cutter
after use, and before putting the trimmer into storage
for extended periods. Lightly oil the cutter and put on
the cover. The cover supplied with the unit can be
hung on the wall, providing a safe and practical way to
store the hedge trimmer.
21. Store the hedge trimmer with the cover on, in a dry
room. Keep it out of reach of children. Never store the
trimmer outdoors.
MISUSE or failure to follow the safety rules stated in
this instruction manual may cause serious personal
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged before adjusting or checking function on the
Switch action (Fig. 1)
For your safety, this tool is equipped with a triple switching
system. To turn on the tool, press two out of three triggers
A, B and C. Release either one of the two pressed triggers
to turn off. The sequence of switching is unimportant as
the tool only starts when both switches are activated.
Straight cut (Fig. 2)
To trim the hedge straight, pull triggers A and B.
Vertical cut (Fig. 3)
Cut upwards with both hands pull the switch triggers B
and C and move it in front of your body.
Far area cut (Fig. 4)
To trim the hedge in far area with both hands pull the
switch triggers A and C.
Always be sure that the tool is switched off and
unplugged before carrying out any work on the tool.
Engage the extension cord
Make sure that the extension cord is unplugged to the
mains outlet. (Fig. 5)
When engaging the extension cord, secure it to the tool’s
cord with the hook complete. Attach the hook about 100 -
200 mm from the extension cord connector. This will help
prevent unintentional disconnection.
Waist cord hook
Do not attach the holder of waist cord hook to other
than the extension cord. Do not attach it in a position
closer to the tool beyond the hook complete. Failure to
do so may cause an accident or personal injury.
Attach firmly one hook of the hook complete to the
tool’s cord and the other hook of hook complete to the
extension cord. Working with the tool with a sole hook
only attached may cause an accident and injury.
Using the waist cord hook helps to minimizing a risk of
cutting off the extension cord unexpectedly caused by the
loose extension cord. (Fig. 6)
Press in or pull out the cord through the opening of the
holder. (Fig. 7)

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