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Read instruction manual and follow
the warnings- and safety precautions!
Particular care and attention!
Wear protective helmet,
eye and ear protection!
Pull out the power supply plug!
Pull out the power supply plug
if the cable is damaged!
Chain brake released
Chain brake actuated
Thank you for your trust in our product
We congratulate you on your new MAKITA electric chain saw.
We are convinced that you will be satisfied with this modern
MAKITA electric chain saws are characterized by their robust,
high-efficiency motors and high chain velocities which allow an
excellent cutting efficiency. They are equipped with numerous
state-of-the-art safety devices, are light, handy and can be put
into operation immediately wherever electric power is provided.
In order to guarantee the optimal function and performance of
your electric chain saw and to ensure your personal safety we
would request you to perform the following:
Read this instruction manual carefully before putting the
electric chain saw into operation for the first time and
strictly observe the safety regulations! Failure to do so
can result in serious injury to the operator and/or
Table of contents Page
Symbols ..............................................................................2
Delivery inventory ..............................................................3
EU conformity declaration ................................................3
General precautions........................................................4
Personal protective equipment .......................................4
Putting into operation .................................................. 4-5
Working behavior/method of working ......................... 5-7
Kickback ..........................................................................7
Transport and storage ....................................................8
First aid ...........................................................................8
Technical data ....................................................................9
Denomination of components ..........................................9
Mounting the guide bar and saw chain.........................10
Tightening the saw chain ..............................................10
Checking the chain tension...........................................11
Chain brake and run-out brake .....................................11
Saw chain oil .................................................................12
Refilling the oil tank................................................. 12-13
Switching on the motor .................................................13
Checking the chain brake .............................................13
Checking the run-out brake ..........................................14
Checking the chain lubrication......................................14
Sharpening the saw chain ...................................... 14-15
Cleaning the guide bar / lubricating the sprocket nose ....15
Replacing the saw chain ...............................................16
Inspecting and replacing the carbon brushes ..............16
Trouble shooting ..............................................................16
Instructions for periodic maintenance ..........................17
Service, spare parts and guarantee ......................... 17-18
Extract of spare parts list................................................18
Accessories ...................................................................18
Service centres (see enclosure)
You will notice the following symbols on the chain saw and in
the instruction manual:
..... mm
Maximum permissible cut length
Wear protective gloves!
Protect against moisture!
Direction of chain travel
Double protective insulation
Saw chain oil
First aid

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Andere handleiding(en) van Makita UC 3001A

Makita UC 3001A Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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