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2.1 Features
This unit supports VUDU which is the leading HD on-demand video service. With VUDU, you can also enjoy
various kinds of Internet applications. In order to use this feature, you must connect this unit to the Internet.
(This feature is only available in the United States.)
With this unit, you can enjoy movies and TV episodes streamed instantly from Netflix via the Internet. In order to
use this feature, you must visit netflix.com/Magnavox on your PC and become a Netflix member. (This feature is
only available in the United States.)
Film Fresh / Blockbuster
With this unit, you can enjoy movies and TV episodes streamed instantly from Film Fresh / Blockbuster via the
Internet. In order to use this feature, you must visit the below websites on your PC and become a Film Fresh /
Blockbuster member. (This feature is only available in the United States.)
- Film Fresh : filmfresh.roxionow.com/Login
- Blockbuster : www.blockbuster.com/auth/login
internet radio
This unit supports Pandora internet radio service. You can instantly listen to free personalized radio stations
streamed over the Internet from Pandora. In order to use this feature, you must visit the below website on your
PC and become a Pandora member. (This feature is only available in the United States.)
- www.pandora.com/magnavox
With Picasa application, you can browse your web albums on your TV screen. Picasa helps you organize a number of
photographs of yours, so you can easily find particular photographs with an easy operation.
Easy and simple connection to your HDTV with an HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable
Connect this unit to your HDTV with one single HDMI cable. It is recommended to use a High Speed HDMI cable
for better compatibility. The high-definition video output signal will be transferred to your HDTV without conversion to
analog signals, so you will get excellent picture and sound quality, completely free from noise. Thanks to other multiple
outputs, you can also easily connect to your home theater system or amplifier.
fun-Link (HDMI CEC) (Consumer Electronics Control)
This unit supports fun-Link (HDMI CEC), which allows integrated system control over an HDMI cable and is part of
the HDMI standard. This function may not work properly on some devices.
HDMI Deep Color
Deep Color reduces posterization (color banding) effect of the playback image.
X6060UD_TB600MG2F_F7_OM_EN_WEB_v2.indd 3 2011/09/24 11:25:01

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