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CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Batteries (Battery pack or battery installed) shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, re, or the like.
This apparatus employs a laser. Only a qualied service person should remove the cover or attempt to service this
apparatus, due to possible eye injury.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specied herein may
result in hazardous radiation exposure.
CAUTION: Visible and invisible laser radiation when open and interlocks defeated. Do not stare into beam.
LOCATION: Inside, near the deck mechanism.
Unauthorized copying, broadcasting, public performance and lending of discs are prohibited. This product incorporates
copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this
copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision, and is intended for home and other limited
viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Do not place the unit on the furniture that is capable of being tilted by a child and an adult leaning, pulling, standing
or climbing on it. A falling unit can cause serious injury or even death.
To Avoid the Hazards of Electrical Shock and Fire
Do not handle the AC power cord with wet hands.
Do not pull on the AC power cord when disconnecting it from an AC outlet. Grasp it by the plug.
Do not put your ngers or objects into the unit.
Location and Handling
Do not install the unit in direct sunlight, near strong magnetic elds, or in a place subject to dust or strong vibration.
Avoid a place with drastic temperature changes.
Install the unit in a horizontal and stable position. Do not place anything directly on top or bottom of the unit.
Depending on your external devices, noise or disturbance of the picture and/or sound may be generated if the unit is
placed too close to them. In this case, please ensure enough space between the external devices and the unit.
Depending on the environment, the temperature of this unit may increase slightly. This is not a malfunction.
Be sure to remove the disc and unplug the AC power cord from the outlet before carrying the unit.
Dew Condensation Warning
Dew condensation may form inside the unit in the following conditions. If so, do not use this unit at least for a few
hours until its inside gets dry.
- The unit is moved from a cold place to a warm place.
- Under conditions of high humidity.
- After heating a cold room.
Note about Recycling
This unit’s packaging materials are recyclable and can be reused. Please dispose of any materials in
accordance with your local recycling regulations.
Batteries should never be thrown away or incinerated but disposed of in accordance with your local
regulations concerning chemical wastes.
Notice for Progressive Scan Output
Consumers should note that not all high denition television sets are fully compatible with this product and may
cause artifacts to be displayed in the picture. In case of picture problems with 525(480) progressive scan output,
it is recommended that the user switch the connection to the ‘standard denition’ output. If there are questions
regarding your TV set compatibility with this 525p(480p) BD/DVD player, please contact our customer service center.
E5P04UD_EN.book Page 3 Tuesday, October 6, 2009 8:04 PM

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