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The triangle with a lightning symbol warns the user that high voltage is used within the device which can result in
electric shock.
The triangle with an exclamation mark informs the user that important operating and maintenance instructions
(repair) are contained in the accompanying instruction manual, which must be observed.
Do not open! Risk of electric shock!
CAUTION: In order to avoid electric shock do not open the speaker housing/mains adapters or
remove the covers. The user is not to conduct any repairs him/herself. Repairs should only be
conducted by qualified technicians! Do not use any sockets or extension cables that do not fully
accommodate the plug of the device.
In accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC all electrical and electronic appliances must be disposed of separately via local
collection points. Please observe the local regulations and do not dispose of your old appliances with normal household waste.
Old batteries are hazardous waste and must be disposed of in accordance with current regulations.
(A) 1 pc. Soundbar
(B) 1 pc. Mains adapter for the soundbar incl. mains cable
(C) 1 pc. Remote control including battery (button cell CR2025)
(D) 2 pcs. Wall brackets for the soundbar
(E) 1 pc. Audio adapter cable from 3.5mm stereo jack to RCA jack
(F) 1 m Stereo audio cable, RCA jack on both sides
(G) 1 pc. Optical digital cable
(H) 1 pc. Instruction manual
Please unpack the speakers and accessories carefully and check the contents of the box using the list above. In the event of any
transport damage, please contact your supplier. Keep the packing material in a safe location. The original packaging enables
trouble-free transportation for any subsequent relocation and servicing requirements.
The soundbar should be positioned directly underneath the centre of the TV. If the TV is located on a shelf or sideboard, the
soundbar can be positioned directly in front of the device. If the TV is mounted on the wall, the soundbar should be mounted
directly below the screen by using the supplied wall bracket.
Use of the supplied wall bracket for the soundbar is illustrated in Fig.1.
Important information / safety instructions: The customer is solely responsible for the use of other wall brackets / attachments.
The customer is also solely responsible for the secure attachment of the Soundbar bracket to the wall and the selection of suitable
mounting material (e.g. screws, wall plugs, etc.), while taking account of the weight and construction of the Soundbar and the
condition of the wall.

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