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Dear Customer,
Congratulations on your fine new loudspeakers and thank you very much for choosing MAGNAT!
You have made an excellent choice. The high-quality speakers produced by MAGNAT are
renowned all over the world.
Please study the instructions and information below carefully before using your new loudspeakers.
The triangle with a lightning symbol warns the user that high voltage is used within the
device which can result in electric shock.
The triangle with an exclamation mark informs the user that important operating and
maintenance instructions (repair) are contained in the accompanying instruction manual,
which must be observed.
CAUTION: In order to avoid electric shock do not open the speaker
housing/mains adapters or remove the covers. The user is not to
conduct any repairs him/herself. Repairs should only be conducted by
qualified technicians! Do not use any sockets or extension cables that
do not fully accommodate the plug of the device.
Please read through the instruction manual carefully before starting to use the device. This
manual contains important information concerning operation and safety aspects. It is imperative
you observe all of the information. Keep the manual in a safe location.
• Neversubjectthesubwoofertodrippingorsplashingwater.Donotplaceanyflowervasesorother
filled recipients on top of the subwoofer.
• Thedistancebetweentheactivesubwooferenclosureandthewallsoftheroomorotherobjects
(e. g. furniture, shelf units) may not be less than 5 cm on any side.
The aluminium plate and cooling fins of the amplifier at the rear of the active subwoofer serve to cool
the built-in amplifier; for this reason, they must also be at least 5 cm away from all objects and must
not be covered (e.g. by a curtain).
The bass reflex opening(s) on the active subwoofer must not be covered (e. g. by curtains, etc.) in
order to guarantee adequate ventilation of the amplifier.
• Thesubwoofershouldnotbepositionednearheatsources(heaters,ovens,radiantheaters,naked
flames, etc.).
• Only operate the subwoofer at an ambient/room temperature from 10°C to 40°C. The active subwoofer
may not be used in very humid rooms.
• Pleasedonotplaceanyitemswithnakedflames(e.g.candles)ontheactivesubwoofer.
• Pleasedonottouchorconnectthemainscablewhenyourhandsaredamp.
• Keepthemainscableawayfromheaters.
• The device should not continue to be operated if there is visible damage to the mains cable. A
damaged cable should not be repaired, but must be replaced.
• Neverplaceheavyitemsonthemainscable.
• Themainscableshouldalwaysbefreelyaccessible.
• Ifthedeviceisnotgoingtobeusedforaprolongedperiod(e.g.whenonholiday),itshouldbe
disconnected from the mains by removing the plug. The device should also be disconnected from
the mains in the event of a thunderstorm. Doing this will prevent damage caused by lightning and

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