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Whenever you use an electrical appliance, you must take some basic safety
precautions, including the following:
Read through all the instructions carefully before you start. To avoid the risk of
electric shock, never immerse your appliance in water or any other liquid.
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and
persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards
involved. Children should not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user
maintenance should not be made by children without supervision.
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above if they
have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in
a safe way and if they understand the hazards involved. Cleaning and user
maintenance shall not be made by children unless they are aged from 8 years
and above and supervised. Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of
children aged less than 8 years.
If the power cord has been damaged, or if your appliance is no longer working
properly, it must be replaced or repaired by the manufacturer, a Magimix-
approved after-sales service agent or a similarly qualified person, in order to
avoid all risks.
Always unplug your appliance if you are leaving it unattended, and before
cleaning it, or fitting or removing parts.
Before plugging an appliance in, always check that the voltage indicated on the
appliance corresponds to the voltage of your mains supply.
Models with a chrome finish must always be connected to a grounding outlet
with their original power cord.
Never allow the power cord to dangle over the edge of your worktop or counter,
and make sure it never comes into contact with hot surfaces.
Never insert your hands – or a utensil - in the feed tube while the disc, blade or
juicer is moving, to prevent serious injury and avoid damaging the appliance
You may use a spatula, but only when the processor is not running.
Never put the processor bowls in your microwave oven.
Always handle the discs and blades with caution, as they are extremely sharp.
To avoid all risk of injury, never install the metal blades or discs on the motor
shaft unless the bowl has been locked into position first.
The blades are all extremely sharp: never use the slicing disc until all the parts
have been properly assembled.
Never use your appliance if the juicer basket has been damaged in any way.
Your appliance is equipped with a thermal protection that automatically
switches the motor off if it has been running for too long or is overloaded. If
this happens, turn your machine off and wait for it to cool down completely
before switching it back on again.
Never leave your appliance running unattended, even though you do not
have to keep the AUTO button pressed.
Check that the lid is completely level and correctly locked into position
before switching your appliance on.
Never attempt to override the safety mechanisms.
Press the STOP button and wait for all the moving parts to come to a
standstill before turning the lid.
Never use your appliance outside.
This appliance is intended solely for domestic use.
The following usages are not covered by the warranty: in kitchen areas
reserved for personnel in shops, offices and other workplace environments,
on farms, by the patrons of hotels, motels and other commercial environments
of a residential nature, and in bed and breakfast-type environments.
This symbol indicates that this product should not be treated as regular
household waste. It should be taken to a collection point for the recycling
of electrical and electronic equipment. For more details about collection points,
please contact your local council or your household waste disposal service.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Magimix Ma Cuisine 5200 XL - 2013

Magimix Ma Cuisine 5200 XL - 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 132 pagina's

Magimix Ma Cuisine 5200 XL - 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Italiano, Espanõl - 144 pagina's

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